Completing Trade Certifications, Licenses, Insurance, and Photos Section

Completing Trade Certifications, Licenses, Insurance, and Photos Section

  • On the top navigation bar, click Profile > Complete Profile.

Trade Certifications and Licenses

Add all of your Trade Certifications and Licenses.

⦿ How to Add Trade Certifications and Licenses
  1. Click Add.
  2. Select either License or Certification, depending on the type of document you are adding.
  3. Select the trade from the drop-down list.
  4. Enter the License / Certification Number.
  5. Type in the Expiration Date of the document.
  6. (Optional) Provide the description.
  7. (Optional) Upload the file to the Attachment section. 
  8. Click Save.

    Enter the required information about your trade certification or license
    To add more trade certifications and licenses, go through steps 1–8.

Review Insurance

In the insurance section of your profile, provide basic information about the insurance policies you carry. Make sure you add all the different insurance policies you have and keep the information up to date. 

⦿ How to Add an Insurance
  1. Click Add Insurance.
  2. Select the type of insurance you want to add from the drop-down list.
    1. General Liability
    2. Automobile Liability
    3. Umbrella / Excess Liability
    4. Workers Compensation
    5. Other Liability Insurance type

      Click Add Insurance and select the Insurance type from the drop-down list
  3. Enter the Carrier (the company that provides your insurance coverage).
  4. Enter the Policy Number.
  5. Enter the Amount (the insurance sum) and select the insurance currency.

    Should you need to change the decimal point (.) to decimal comma (,) on monetary amounts, contact your ServiceChannel representative. 

    Screenshot showing the insurance currency

  6. Select the Expiration date in the calendar.

    Until the expiration date, the insurance has a green Active label. When it expires, it gets red, and you get notified that you need to update it.

  7. (Optional) Select the Will list client as additional insured checkbox.
  8. (Optional) Select the Contains Contractual General Coverage checkbox.

    If you want to delete the insurance, click  next to the insurance you want to remove.

    Review the Insurance you have added

Add Photos

The last step is to add your company photos. Photos make your profile more personal and attractive to prospective clients.
You can upload up to three photos, one for each section, as displayed in the example: 

  1. Team
  2. Vehicles
  3. Office 

Upload at least one photo to complete your profile. 

  1. Drag and drop the photo over the specified area or browse a file from your device.
  2. Click Continue.

Add your company photos

Your profile is now complete!

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