Deleting a Sub-Contractor Connection

Deleting a Sub-Contractor Connection

You may delete a sub-contractor company from your Work Order Assignment list when:

  • a sub-contractor declined an invitation to join you;
  • you no longer wish to assign work orders to a sub-contractor company; or
  • a sub-contractor company opts to disconnect from your company. Those companies will have “Disconnected” as the status, as illustrated below for Magic Touch Facility:

⦿ How to Delete a Sub-Contractor Connection


Before deleting a sub-contractor connection, all work orders assigned to the sub-contractor must be reassigned to either another sub-contractor or one of your technicians.

  1. Under the Sub-Contractors tab, click the arrow  next to the desired sub-contractor.
  2. (Required) Reassign all listed work orders listed for that sub-contractor to either another sub-contractor or your internal technicians.
  3. When all work orders are reassigned, click Delete. A confirmation modal appears.
  4. Click OK in the confirmation modal. The sub-contractor connection is removed from the list.

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