Technician Work Order Assignment Bulk Upload

Technician Work Order Assignment Bulk Upload

Bulk Upload Auto-Assign Rules

In Work Order Assignment, rules can be created to automatically assign work orders to technicians based on locations, trades, and time periods. This time saving feature allows field technician managers to create a set of rules for one or more technicians, one or more trades or one or more locations, and have User Management do the rest.

Note: For each Auto Assign rule that you create, you must enter the Subscriber ID, the technicians email address, the trade, and the subscriber's location where the services are to take place.

⦿ How to Use the Bulk Upload Template to Create Auto Assign Work Order Rules
  1. Click the hamburger menu, and navigate to Work Order Assignment under Work Orders.
  2. Click Bulk Upload.
  3. Select Sample Template, then launch it in your preferred spreadsheet application.
  4. Enter the Subscriber ID, Username, Last Name, First Name, Trade and Location for each rule you wish to create.
  5. Save the document as an XLSX formatted file.
  6. Click Bulk Upload, then click +Select File.
  7. Locate the saved template, then click Upload XLSX.
  8. You can review the last upload results by clicking the Click here to download last upload results, which will download the results of your last uploaded rules.

Note: If you submit an Auto-Assign Rule that already exists, an  error will appear in the error column.

Reviewing Current Auto Assign Rules

You can view the current auto assign rules by downloading the Current Rules template, available on the bottom of the Bulk Upload modal. The rules contained within are based on the last auto assign rules uploaded and validated by Service Automation.

⦿ How to Review Current Auto Assign Rules
  1. Navigate to Work Order Assignment.
  2. Click Bulk UpLoad.
  3. Click Current Rules, which will download a template with the current auto assign rules.
  4. Open the template in your preferred spreadsheet reader.

The spreadsheet that opens displays all of the auto assign rules that are currently in place.

Modifying Current Auto Assign Rules via Bulk Upload

The auto assign rules created for technicians can be modified using the Bulk Upload template. This includes removing rules for one or more technicians or adding rules for one or more technicians.

⦿ How to Modify Auto Assignment Rules via Bulk Upload
  1. Navigate to Work Orders > Work Order Assignment.
  2. Click the Bulk Upload button.
  3. Click the  Current Rules Button, which downloads the Current Rules template.
  4. Open the Current Rules template.
  5. You can:
    1. Remove current rules by adding remove next to the rule you want to remove, under the add/remove column;
    2. Add a new rule by entering the required information, Subscriber ID, Tech Email, Trade and Location;
  6. Save the template as a .XLSX  formatted file.
  7. Navigate back to the Bulk Upload modal and upload the template.
  8. To review the modification just made, click the Click here to download last upload results link on the Bulk Upload modal.
  9. Open the template to review that last rules uploaded.

Formatting Alert: UTF-8 Format Required
When uploading information in the form of Spreadsheets, Templates, Text Documents and or copied and pasted to Service Automation or Provider Automation, the Content must be UTF-8 formatted. Content that is not UTF-8 formatted may be misread by our system and cause errors in how your data is interpreted.

 Windows Specific

Windows Specific

Open file in Notepad

Choose Save As

There are three items to update in the Save dialog that comes up.

Save as type: change this to All FilesFile

Name: name your file and add the .csv extension to it - e.g.: myupdates.csv

Encoding: click on the dropdown and choose UTF-8


 MAC Specific

Mac Specific

  1. Open file in Number
  2. Hover over Export

  3. In the submenu that appears, choose CSV
  4. Click on Advanced Options to show the Text Encoding dropdown
  5. Select Unicode (UTF-8) from the dropdown menu

  6. Click Next Export!

 Google Sheets Specific

Google Sheets

  1. Click File
  2. Click on or hover over Download As

  3. Choose the option Comma-separated values (.csv, current sheet)

  4. After clicking on that option, your file will be automatically downloaded to your computer