Adding items to the Shopping Cart

Adding items to the Shopping Cart

Before submitting a Supply Manger order, add products to a cart.

Adding Products to the Cart

⦿ How to Add Products to the Cart
  1. Open the list of products. 
  2. Find the line with the necessary product.

  3. (Optional) To view the product details, click the product image or name. 

  4. (OptionalTo compare the product with similar ones, click the arrow right to the Add to Cart button, then click Add to Comparison.

    You can add a product to comparison both from the list of products and from the detail view. 

  5. Click the Add to Cart button.

    You can add a product to a cart both from the list of products and from the detail view. 

  6. (Optional) To add other products to a cart, repeat steps 1-5. 

Comparing Products

You can compare similar products before adding them to a cart.

The Supply Manager allows comparing up to 10 products. 

⦿ How to Compare Products
  1. Open the necessary hosted catalog.  
  2. Select the category the product belongs to. 
  3. Find the line with the necessary product on the list. 
  4. Click the arrow to the right of the Add to Cart button, and then click Add to Comparison. 

    Or open the detail view of the product, click the arrow to the right of the Add to Cart button, and then click Add to Comparison. 

    The product is added to the comparison.

  5. To add other products to comparison, repeat steps 1-4. 
  6. After adding products to comparison, click Compare.

    The comparison page appears.

    Right from the comparison page, you can add a product to a cart. 

  7. Add the necessary product to a cart by clicking the Add to Cart button from the list of products, the product detail view, or the comparison page. 

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