Charge History Report

Charge History Report

To help you track all refrigerant charges that take place in the charge history of your assets, we have built the Charge History report.

When a refrigerated asset receives a charge (the addition of refrigerants), it is required by both local and national laws that accurate records be kept. The requirement includes the type and quantity of refrigerants used, who made the charge, and more.

What is a Refrigerant Charge?

The asset charge is based on the system’s capacity and the amount of refrigerant added to it. You will encounter the following types of charges in ServiceChannel:

INITIAL CHARGE  The Initial Charge of a refrigerated asset is the amount of refrigerant added to a system (to the Total Charge field) when the system goes into use. The Initial Charge checkbox gets automatically selected. Note that the unit of measurement for the initial charge depends on your company’s geographical location. Learn more about Capturing an Asset Initial Charge.

You should capture the initial charge of an asset upon creating the asset

 SUBSEQUENT CHARGES The Subsequent Charges of a refrigerated asset are the follow-up charges added to an asset and marked as new total charges.

Important. Do not confuse a part use with a total charge

  • The part use is an addition or removal of the refrigerant from the asset in the event of a leak, repair services, or retrofit/retirement plans.
  • The total charge is the total amount of the refrigerant that is contained in the system for the latter to operate.

Charge History Report

Compared to the charge history of a single asset available on the asset details page, the Charge History report contains comprehensive charge data about all of your assets. What is more, the report can be downloaded and shared with people throughout or outside your organization.

Charge history of a single asset
  1. Navigate to the asset details page.
  2. Switch to the Asset History tab > Refrigeration History.Refrigeration History tab on the asset details page stores information about all asset charges
  3. Scroll down to view the Charge History section.Charge History section shows the initial and follow-up charges of the asset

Learn more about viewing the charge history of a single asset.

Charge history of a single asset
  1. Navigate to Assets (Equipment) > Refrigerant Leak Events.You can access the report from the Refrigerant Leak Events page
  2. Switch to the Charge History tab.Charge History tab contains the report on all the changes to the asset total charge
  3. View the report.Charge history report on assets

Viewing and Filtering the Report

By default, the report shows the changes to your assets’ total charges made in the past 3 months. To adjust the time period or filter records by a specific criterion, apply the required filters available to the left. You can filter by multiple criteria at a time. Remember to click GO to see the filtering results!

Filtering options for the Charge History report

The report contains the following information:

Tag IDLocation IDAsset TypePrior Refrigerant TypePrior Total ChargeNew Refrigerant TypeNew Total ChargeVendor Who Determined ChargeCharge MethodCharge DateUser Name
Unique identification number of the asset entered when creating an asset. Click the asset tag ID to navigate to the asset details page.Unique identification number of the location where the asset is placedType of the asset. In other words, a more general description of an asset.Refrigerant type of the asset prior to the asset charge changeTotal quantity of the refrigerant in the system prior to the asset charge changeType of the refrigerant that was added as a new charge to the assetTotal amount of the refrigerant that was added as a new asset chargeProvider who added a new chargeMethod of determining the amount of a new chargeDate when a new charge was addedUser name of a person who captured the new charge in the system

Charge history report on assets

Downloading the Report

⦿ How to Download the Charge History Report
  1. Click the Download # Charge Histories button on the right-hand side of the page.Downloading the Charge History report

    The number of downloaded charge history records corresponds to the number of records displayed in the UI. To include only specific records in your report, apply the required filters first.

  2. Select the required unit of measurement to display the charge amounts in.Selecting the unit of measurement for the Charge History report
  3. Click Download Report.

The MS Excel report on your assets’ charge history is exported to your device. The file mirrors the information you see in the UI.

For any reports and templates downloaded for viewing and/or adding information for uploading into Service Automation, items such as decimal separators, date & time formats, currency codes and address forms displays based on your computer settings if the format is Excel (.xls) and if it is a CSV file (.csv), then ServiceChannel settings takes precedence.

If the Currency Code Support feature is enabled, a currency field is added to reports and templates. If the Localization Address Format feature is enabled, headers and values are updated with the specific country’s address format for Excel (.xls) and CSV(.csv) only headers are affected while headers and values are affected for a PDF (.pdf). 

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