Under the Asset Details tab, you can create an asset from a specific work order. This means when an asset needs to be associated with a work order, but one was not added during the work order creation.
- Locate a work order from the list view and click the View Details button
- Click the Asset Details page to view the asset information
- Click the Add Asset button to start adding an asset

- A new tab opens, start by selecting the:
- Location
- Work Order Area
- Asset Type
Fill out required (*) information

Optional: Fill out Additional Field information

Click the Add Asset button to create the asset

Editing an Asset on a Work Order
Once an asset has been created, it can be added onto the work order. This is needed when an asset might not have been added during creation or wasn’t added within the asset list itself. When an asset has been added, the pencil icon allows you to view the Asset Details. Removing an asset from a work order is available if the wrong asset was selected.
- Click the Edit Asset button to open the modal

- Select Repair or Replace with the radio button

- Click the Add link to include the asset onto the work order
- Click the Done button to complete the addition of the asset onto the work order

- Click the Edit Asset button to open the modal
- Click the Remove link to remove the asset

- Click the Done button to complete the removal of the asset from the work order