Updating Assets on Work Orders in Provider Automation

Updating Assets on Work Orders in Provider Automation

Having a Single Asset Associated with a Work Order

When completing work orders via the ServiceChannel Provider mobile apptechnicians who have the ability to link work orders to assets may unintentionally associate a work order with an asset they don’t need to service. As a manager with access to the Provider Automation web app, you can remedy this oversight by removing the asset from the work order.

As an FTM internal technician, you can add and update assets on work orders via SC Provider.

As an external provider, however, you can perform these actions only if your client has turned on this preference in their settings.

As long as there is no part use associated with the asset on the work order, and the service request is in the Open, In Progress, or Completed (not confirmed and invoiced) status, you can uncouple the asset from the work order or tie the work order to another asset if required.

Contact your ServiceChannel representative to get the ability to edit assets on work orders.

Tech has added an incorrect asset to a work order. The manager can remove or update the asset on the work order in Provider Automation

Updating an Asset on a Work Order

⦿ How to Edit Assets on Work Orders
  1. Find the required work order, and access the details page.
    View Details button on the WO allowing you to access the WO details page
  2. Switch to the Asset Details tab.
    Asset Details tab of the WO details page where you can edit the asset linked to the WO
  3. Click the Edit Assets button. You are presented with a list of location assets where the trade matches the work order trade.
    Overlay that displays the asset currently attached to a WO and all the available assets at the location
    1. To remove the asset: Under Current Assets, click Remove next to the asset currently assigned to the work order.
      Removing an asset from a work order

    2. To add or change the asset: Under Available Assets, select either the Repair or Replace radio button next to the desired asset, and click Add.
      Adding a new asset to a work order

  4. Click Done, and confirm your action.

    1. (error) You may get an error message if the asset you are trying to update or remove already has a part use associated with the work order.
    2. (tick) If the asset change has been successfully made, the asset information on the work order gets updated. You can find the history of asset changes for this work order under the Asset History tab.

      Asset History tab of the WO details page where you can view when an asset was added to the WO, edited, or removed from the WO

Having Multiple Assets Associated with Planned Maintenance Work Orders

Planned Maintenance work orders may have multiple assets associated with each of these service requests. Working on a single work order where all the required assets are attached speeds up the work order completion time since you don't need to close multiple service requests.

Separate work order for each asset versus a single work order with multiple assets attached

Your ability to work with multiple assets on a single service request depends on your client's preferences. When the Multiple Assets feature is turned on for your client, you will be able to work on multiple assets associated with a single PM work order.

WO list view with two assets attached

Updating Multiple Assets on a Single PM Work Order

⦿ How to Edit Multiple Assets on a Single PM Work Order
  1. Find the required work order, and access the details page.
    Accessing the WO detailed view
  2. Switch to the Asset Details tab.Asset Details tab on the WO details page showing all the assets associated with the WO
  3. To add an asset: Select either the Repair or Replace radio button next to the asset you want to add. Then, click Add. The asset gets added to the work order.Adding more assets to the PM WOTo remove an asset: Click Remove next to the asset that no longer should be associated with that work order.Removing an asset from the PM work order
  4. Click Done to save your changes.

The work order information is updated.

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