Search and View Provider information

Search for Providers / Contractors

⦿ How to Search for Providers / Contractors

The Providers page is located at Menu icon > Admin > Providers. You can filter or search a long list of contractors by using the Filter By options at the top of the page to sort the list. You can also enter a contractor name or partial name in the search box.  You can limit the list to internal providers by clicking the Internal Only radio button. The navigation bar at the bottom of the page allows you to scroll through pages of contractors/internal providers.

View Provider / Contractor Information

⦿ How to View Provider / Contractor Information

You can view detailed information for a contractor by clicking the edit pencil icon in the Action column for your selected contractor. The information displayed for External Providers is read-only and can only be edited by the contractors themselves in Fixxbook.  Here you can view basic information for the contractor on the General Info tab.


Click the Communication Info tab to view contact information for alerts and Service Requests.