Leaving Work Order Review from Dashboard 1.0

Leaving Work Order Review from Dashboard 1.0

All work orders requiring your review appear on the Leave Review page of your dashboard. In addition to providing reviews, you may also add a note or download a report on work orders.

When you leave a review on work orders through the dashboard, your history of reviews is stored. You may view your and your colleagues’ review history for service providers assigned to your locations.

Should you need information on the legacy feedback system, see /wiki/spaces/SCULOC/pages/579111259.

Reviewing Work Orders

⦿ How to Leave a Review for a Work Order
  1. In your dashboard, click Leave Review in the left navigation panel. All work orders requiring your review appear.
  2. Find the work order you need to review.
  3. Mark whether the work is complete or not.
    1.  To mark as complete:
      1. Select Yes next to the Is the work complete and to specifications? question. The section for star rating appears.
      2. Select a suitable number of stars to rate the provider’s work. The field for a comment appears.
      3. Enter a comment describing the quality of rendered services. The comment is mandatory if you rate the work with one or two stars.

        If additional survey questions are enabled for your company, the section with these questions shows up under the text field for a comment. Сlick View Additional Survey Questions (Optional) to answer the suggested questions.

        Your admin can make answering additional questions mandatory. In this case, the questions appear right after you give a star rating to a work order. You can submit your review only after you answer all the questions.

        If you don’t have this feature, contact your ServiceChannel representative to learn how you can add such questions to the work order review workflow.

      4. Click Send Review. The page refreshes and displays the number of stars selected for the work order.
    2.  To mark as incomplete:
      1. Select No next to the Is the work complete and to specifications? question. The field for a comment appears.
      2. Leave a comment explaining why the work is incomplete.

        If additional survey questions are enabled for your company and are optional, the section with these questions shows up under the text field for a comment. Сlick View Additional Survey Questions (Optional) to answer the suggested questions.

        Should your admin make these questions mandatory, they don’t show up because the work is not complete.

        If you don’t have this feature, contact your ServiceChannel representative to learn how you can add such questions to the work order review workflow.

      3. Click Send the provider back to complete the work. The work order moves to the In Progress status, and the provider receives a notification about the status reversal.

Adding a Note from the Leave Review Page

From the Leave Review page, you may also add a note to a work order before submitting a review on it.

⦿ How to Add a Note from the Leave Review Page
  1. In the list of work orders awaiting your review, click Details next to the desired work order. The Notes for Tracking # page appears.
  2. Click Add Note below the list of notes. The Add a Note for Tracking # page appears.
  3. Enter your full name if it does not appear automatically.
  4. Enter your note in the corresponding field.
  5. In the Choose Recipient field, select the appropriate recipients to email your note.

    To select several people at once, hold Ctrl for Windows and Command ⌘ for macOS, and then click the desired names.

  6. (Optional) Upload attachments, and enter appropriate descriptions.
  7. Click Submit. The note gets added to the work order.

Downloading Work Orders Awaiting a Review

To download an Excel report on the work orders awaiting a review, click Excel Report on the Leave Review page. Details such as a tracking number, problem details, and NTE as well as troubleshooting questions and their answers are included in the report.

Initiating Work Order Reviews Through Email

You may initiate the star rating process from the review reminder email that is sent to the location contact and, depending on your settings, to the user who created the work order. See Initiating Work Order Reviews Through Email for more information.

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