Editing Insurance Documents Information

Editing Insurance Documents Information

You can edit the information about your insurance types if the OCR technology fails to recognize the document or if you want to change the insurance information. 

⦿ How to Edit Insurance Documents Information
  1. On the Insurance Documents page, click Edit 

  2. Expand the insurance type you need to modify.  
  3. Make necessary changes. 
    The status of each insurance type where the changes have been made will change to Modified.

    Note that if you modify the information of the insurance type in the Approved, Approved with Exception, Approved (Future Effective Date) statuses, you will have to submit it to the client again and wait for their approval 

  4. To upload a new document for a specific insurance type, follow steps 3-5 of the Uploading Insurance Document instruction 
  5. (Optional) To delete the changes you made, click Cancel 

  6. Click Submit to send the updated documents to your client. 

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