Making Immediate Payment using Pay Now 

Payments can be made immediately to an entire batch or some/all invoices from a service provider by using the Pay Now option. This can help manage finances, for example, to take advantage of discounts that are outside of established payment terms.

Pay Now for All Invoices from a Service Provider

⦿ How to Pay Now for all Invoices from a Service Provider
  1. On the Payment Manager page, expand the desired payment batch by clicking the expand icon. The list of service providers being paid and the summary information appears.
  2. In the desired service provider listing, click the Pay Now button in the right. The list of available payment methods appears.
  3. Click the desired payment method. Payment for the invoices is initiated. The service provider listing is removed from the batch and other batch details update (total invoice amount, discount amount, number of service providers, and number of invoices).

Pay Now for Specific Invoices from a Service Provider

⦿ How to Pay Now for Select Invoices from a Service Provider
  1. On the Payment Manager page, expand the desired payment batch by clicking the expand icon. The default payment method and the payment summary for each service provider being paid appears as a list.
  2. In the desired service provider listing, click the View # Invoices button. The list of invoices for that provider opens, with the Expedite, Defer and Pay Now options.
    • Pay Now for a Single Invoice: Click Pay Now next to the desired invoice. The available payment methods list as a drop-down.
    • Pay Now for Multiple Invoices: Select the boxes next to the desired invoices, and click the Pay Now # button at the bottom of the screen. The available payment methods list as a drop-down.
  3. Select the desired payment method. Payment is initiated for the selected invoice(s), and the invoice list displays the remaining invoices scheduled for payment for that service provider.
  4. Click Close. The corresponding payment batch is updated and shows the remaining total invoice amount, discount and number of invoices. The paid invoice lists as a batch in the In Progress tab.

Pay Now for a Batch

⦿ How to Pay Immediately for a Batch Using Pay Now
  1. On the Payment Manager page, expand the desired payment batch by clicking the expand icon. Batch ID, Initiator, Payment Method, and the Pay <invoice amount> Now button appear.
  2. Click Pay <invoice amount> Now. Payment is immediately initiated, and the batch moves to the In Progress tab.