Viewing Work Order Details and Adding Notes in Dashboard 2.0

Viewing Work Order Details and Adding Notes in Dashboard 2.0

At any point during the life cycle of a work order, permissioned users may enter notes to augment details of requests in the Open Work Orders, Late to Arrive, and Work Order History pages. For information on adding notes to work orders that await review, see Adding a Note to Work Orders Awaiting Your Review.

It is extremely important to add detailed notes to all service requests. This ensures the service provider has as much information as possible, which may help expedite the response time.

Viewing Work Order Notes

⦿ How to View Notes on a Work Order

On the Open Work OrdersWork Order History, or Late to Arrive pages, click the Details button for the desired work order. The work order summary page appears with the list of work order notes, including both auto-generated notes and notes added by users. Your FM administrator might pin a note indicating this is the most import/pressing note right now for this work order. You will see that note pinned to the top of the list.

The default filter selection is the All Notes tab which shows both system and user created notes. Click on the System Created tab to only view notes that were system created. Click on User Created to only view notes your users have created.

The following information displays in the list of notes at the bottom of the page:

Column Header



Note number. Notes are listed in descending order, by date, with the newest note on top.


Description or explanation from the user, or automatic details about the work order generated by the system.

Created by

The username or email address of the user who created the note.

Created Date

The date and time the note was created.

Scheduled Date

The date and time the service provider is scheduled to be on-site at the location.

Viewing Work Order Details

When you need more information on a work order, the work order details page comes in especially handy. It contains all the data relevant to a service request and also allows you to add notes.

In Dashboard 2.0, you can access the detailed information on a work order from the Open Work Orders, Late to Arrive, Reviews Required, or Work Order History page.

The tabs on the dashboard navigation bar may vary based on your company system configuration.

To quickly find the required work order, we recommend you to conduct searching from the Work Order History page since it contains multiple filter options as well as the search box.

⦿ How to View Work Order Details
  1. Find the desired work order and click Details. The work order details page appears.

Work order details view in Dashboard 2.0

The information on this page can be divided into four sections:

  1. Section 1. Displays the work order identification details.
    Work order identification details
    This section is subdivided into three columns:
    1. Column 1. Shows the work order status, priority, trade, and category.
    2. Column 2. Lists the work order age, scheduled date, call date, projected completion date, caller details, and more.

      The projected completion date appears only if your company requires service providers to enter a projected completion date.

    3. Column 3. Contains the service provider company name, phone number, and the work order NTE amount.
  2. Section 2. Includes the problem description and attachments as well as custom feedback responses and star rating of a reviewed work order.

    Custom feedback responses appear on the work order details page after you or your colleagues submit a review for a work order by star rating the provider performance.

    To embed custom feedback questions, also known as additional survey questions, to your work order review process, your company needs to submit the questions and their answer options to ServiceChannel first as well as ask ServiceChannel to set up the star review for you. Contact ServiceChannel for more details.

  3. Section 3. Displays the problem resolution.
  4. Section 4. Contains the list of work order notes.

Adding Work Order Notes

⦿ How to Add Notes to a Work Order

This section applies to adding notes through the Open Work Orders, Work Order History, and Late to Arrive pages. See How to Add a Note to a Work Order on the Feedback Required Page for information on adding notes to work orders awaiting review.

  1. On the work order summary page, click Add New Work Order Note. The Add a Note for <Tracking #> pop-up appears, with the current date and time as well your username auto-populated.
  2. In the Step 1 Enter Your Name text box, type in your name when the user name is not pre-populated. 
  3. In the Step 2 Enter Note text box, enter the appropriate note. Note that this information will be seen by all users permissioned for your location, including service providers and administrators.
  4. Check the Step 3 Action Required box in case you want the note recipient(s) to take further action.
  5. In the Step 4 Choose Recipient field, select the appropriate recipient(s) to email your note. (To select more than one person, hold Shift or the Control key (PC) / Command key (Mac), and then click the desired names.)
  6. (Optional) Enter additional email addresses in the Enter Email Address(es) Here field.
  7. (Optional) In Step 5 Add Attachment, upload attachments and enter appropriate descriptions (if necessary).
  8. Click Add Note. The added note appears in the detailed view of the work order. 

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