Viewing Open Work Orders in Dashboard 2.0
Chellie Esters
Uma Srinivasan (Unlicensed)
Caroline Antoun
In Dashboard 2.0, an open work order is one that has not been completed by the service provider. These work orders are displayed on the Open Work Orders page and are in either the Open or In Progress status.
On the Open Work Orders page, you can:
- View reactive work orders, Planned Maintenance work orders, or all work orders at a time
- Filter work orders by time period
- Select how to display service requests — either in the calendar or list view
- Identify the status of each work order by referring to the legend at the bottom of the page
- View and open attachments
- Navigate to the work order details page to view more information which includes providing additional attachments and notes.
Your Dashboard 2.0 permissions determine whether you can add notes and attachments.
- Download the Dashboard view of work orders displayed by clicking on Export to Excel.
Accessing the Open Work Orders Page
You can access all open work orders either from the hamburger menu or from the Open Work Orders tab.
- In Dashboard 2.0, go to the Open Work Orders tab.
- Alternatively, click the hamburger menu in the top left corner, and select View Open Tickets.
By default, you see a list of all Open and In Progress work orders for all time.
The count on the Open Work Orders tab equals the number of all Open and In Progress service requests that you have.
To view more details on a work order, click Details right on the desired service request. From there, you can add notes to a work order if required.
Switching Between Work Order Types
On the Open Work Orders page, navigate between the following tabs to view service requests of the required type:
- All Scheduled Work Orders: Both reactive and maintenance service requests.
- Reactive Work Orders: Work orders of any category except Maintenance. Usually, repair service requests fall under this type. Reactive work orders are marked with a wrench icon.
- Planned Maintenance: Scheduled Planned Maintenance work orders only. These work orders are marked with a clock icon.
For example, on the screenshot above, you see three work orders. Two of them are Planned Maintenance work orders scheduled for April 28 and July 14. These work orders are in the In Progress status. The last work order from the list is a reactive service request scheduled for July 31. This work order is in the Open status.
The counts located on the All Scheduled Work Orders, Reactive Work Orders, and Planned Maintenance tabs show the number of work orders of the corresponding type for a selected time period. The work order counts update once you choose another day, week, or month. See more in How to Select a Time Period.
Filtering Work Orders by Time Period
You can select a specific time period for which you want to view work orders.
- In the top left corner of the Open Work Orders page, click Day, Week, Month, or All Dates. The page updates displaying service requests for the corresponding period sorted by scheduled date.
- Use the navigation arrows to switch to the next or previous day, week, and month.
The Today option becomes available only in case you view work orders for a day other than today, and you want to check today’s work orders.
Switching Between Calendar and List Views
You may switch between the calendar and list views to display the calendar summary or the list of all work orders, respectively.
In the top right corner of the Open Work Orders page, click either Calendar or List. The calendar or the work orders list appears.
Calendar View
In the calendar view, all work orders are displayed by the time periods listed below. The arrows above the calendar help you quickly switch to the next or previous day, week, or month.
Click Today to view the work orders count in the calendar for today and six days ahead as well as the list of work orders for today.
Use the Today filter in case you view work orders for a day other than today, and you want to check today’s work orders.
- Click Day to see the work orders count for the selected day and six days ahead. Note that the selected day becomes the first day of the week in the calendar, and all work orders scheduled for that day appear below as a list.
Click Week to display the work orders count per day for the current week as well as the list of work orders for this week.
Click any day in the week’s calendar to see the list of work orders for this day only.
- Click Month to retrieve the work orders count per day for the entire month. Note that the work orders list does not appear for this option.
The calendar view is not available for All Dates.
List View
In this view, the list of Open and In Progress work orders appears for the selected day, week, or month. In addition, you may view work orders for all time by clicking All Dates.
The following information is available on the work orders list, from the left column to the right:
Column 1: Scheduled date and an icon indicating a work order type. The first column is also color-coded depending on the status of a service request. Refer to the legend at the bottom of the page to identify each work order status.
Reactive work orders are marked with a wrench icon, while Planned Maintenance work orders have a clock icon.
- Column 2: Tracking number of a work order
- Column 3: Priority and work order status
- Column 4: Problem description and assigned service provider
The information described above is also available on the work order list under the calendar when you select a specific day or week.
To view more info on each work order, click Details right on the desired work order. Learn more about Viewing Work Order Details.