Viewing Work Order History in Dashboard 2.0

Viewing Work Order History in Dashboard 2.0

Tracking and viewing work orders allows you to stay informed on the progress of work orders and helps answer questions you may have on work order statuses.

The Work Order History tab lists current and future dated work orders in all statuses; from here, you may view work order summary, view notes and attachments, view & open attachments, and add notes to work orders.

⦿ How to View Work Order History
  1. Click the Work Order History tab. The Work Order History list appears.

For each work order in the list, the following information is available:

  • Scheduled date when the service provider was scheduled to arrive at the location, and whether it is a repair or planned maintenance work, indicated by a wrench or clock icon respectively. This column is also color-coded based on the status of the work order. The Legend appears at the bottom of the table, identifying each work order status by color.
  • Tracking number; and attachments, if any; a paper clip icon preceding the tracking number indicates an attachment. (You may hover over the icon, and click the filename that appears in a pop-up to download the file.)
  • Problem description and work order status.

In the Work Order list, you may quickly locate desired work orders by filtering or searching. You may also export the list of work orders.

Filtering the Work Order History List

You may filter the Work Order History list by the following:

  • Type of service: Reactive (Repair) Work Orders, Planned Maintenance Services, or both.
  • Work order properties, such as status, category, priority, or trade.
  • When the work orders were created.
⦿ How to Apply the Filters
  1. Apply the desired filters:

    Type of Service: Click the desired link at the top-left of the page: either All, Reactive Work Orders, or Planned Maintenance. The list updates to show only relevant work orders.

    Other filters (status, category, priority, trade):

    1. In the Filter By field, click the desired filter name.
    2. Select the desired items, and click Filter. The list updates based on the selections.

    Work Order creation date: In the Within drop-down menu, choose the desired item to display work orders from the past 3, 6, 12, 24, or 36 months.

Searching for Work Orders

In the Work Order History tab, you may quickly locate desired work orders by using the search bar. You may use the tracking number or any detail that appears in the work order description as the search term.

Sorting the Work Order History List

You may sort the list of work orders by work order properties available in the Sort By drop-down menu: Status, Area, Caller, Completion Date, Priority, Scheduled Date, Tracking number, Trade, or Vendor.

Exporting Work Orders

Sometimes you may need to export your work orders in a single file. In this way, you and your colleagues can view the info on these service requests even when being offline as well as share the file with people who don’t have a ServiceChannel account.

You can download the list of work orders in the XLS format straight from the Work Order History page. To view the file, you must have a spreadsheet program, such as Microsoft Excel, installed on your device.

⦿ How to Export Work Orders from the Work Order History Page
  1. On the left side of the page, click Export to Excel.

Depending on your browser and settings, the file is either downloaded immediately or you have to click Save to export the file to your device.

In the downloaded file, you can find work order details, notes, troubleshooting questions, and answers to them. Based on your company system configuration, you may also see star ratings given to reviewed work orders as well as custom survey questions and answers to them.

Contact ServiceChannel to learn how to add star ratings, custom survey questions, and answers to your Excel report on work orders.

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