05/Dec/18 | Service Automation RNs

05/Dec/18 | Service Automation RNs

Features and improvements


ALP. When you used one of the location note headers (LNH) as a filter, you couldn't get the data on locations with blank LNHs. With this release, select the (Blanks) checkbox to get the info on these locations.


Bug fixes


Asset Manager. When you filtered assets by multiple tag IDs, model or serial numbers, clearing only one option sometimes resulted in removing several options at once. We’ve solved this issue and also added the Remove All Filters button. Click it to clear all filters at once.

Compliance Manager. Sometimes, you couldn’t send notification emails on non-compliant insurance certificates to providers. These emails are sent without hindrance now.

Dashboard. When provider’s and subscriber’s preferred currencies are different, the work order NTE is converted to the provider’s currency after a WO is created.

Supply Manager. The NTE amount for some supply orders was incorrectly converted to another currency even though the dashboard and provider's preferred currencies were the same.