25/Dec/18 | Service Automation RNs

25/Dec/18 | Service Automation RNs

Features and improvements


Proposals. With our new feature enabled, a work order assignee becomes the proposal assignee when the proposal is created from the existing WO. To make it happen, the assignee should have certain permissions given by the admin.

Work Orders. The location region, district, and phone number are now displayed on the new WOs list along with other location info.


Bug fixes


Dashboard. Sometimes the dashboard didn’t correspond to the location you selected from the top right dropdown. This dashboard association issue is gone now.

General. Some of you couldn’t open work order attachments via notification emails because the link to attachments was incorrect.

QuickView. The number of filtered work orders displayed on the new WOs list and QuickView didn’t match. Now the results you see are correct.

Work Orders. Previously, you were unable to download accrual reports containing lots of data.