09/Dec/18 | Service Automation RNs

09/Dec/18 | Service Automation RNs

Features and improvements


General. When you access Compliance Manager through Service Automation, click Home Page on the top navigation bar to get back to Service Automation.


Bug fixes


Admin. Sorting by user ID did not work on the users list in the Permissions section. Now all entries are listed in alphabetical order.

Asset Manager. When you added a new asset and entered a date with a date picker, the year 1970 was displayed instead of 2019. No more travels to the past!

Compliance Manager. When some of you entered the Certificates of Insurance Detail View tab, the contractors list was empty.

Fixxbook. We’ve tackled the issue that didn’t let some of you access the profile page.

General. Those who had a permission to only view invoices were able to access work orders and proposals as well. This issue is fixed now. Remember that to view WOs and proposals or take action on them, you need special permissions.

Planned Maintenance Manager. In the grid view of PM location frequencies, you couldn’t assign a frequency to the location as the checkboxes for doing this were disabled. It happened by mistake.

Proposals. You couldn’t access the details of submitted requests for proposals (RFPs) from notification emails. The link to RFP details was broken, but now it works as it should.

QuickView. After you updated the list of live reports to be shown in QuickView, not all changes took effect. We’ve fixed this synchronization issue.

Work Orders. Some of you faced an issue when the same WO was created several times with different WO numbers. We fixed it.

Work Orders. Sometimes the “Completed / Confirmed” WOs were incorrectly displayed as “Completed / Pending Confirmation” in Connector. Also, the info on who changed the WO status was wrong on the WO details page.

Work Orders. The original ETA missed was different for the same WO displayed on the new WOs list and in the retrieved WOs archive report.