10/Jan/19 | Service Automation RNs

10/Jan/19 | Service Automation RNs

Features and improvements


No features and improvements for this version.


Bug fixes


Admin. Previously, you couldn’t view the page for setting user accounts in your local language even if you had the necessary feature enabled. Apologies to non-English speakers.

Admin. When you downloaded massive reports on provider assignments, the order of columns for location info was incorrect in the Excel file.

Compliance Manager. When some of you tried to access Compliance Manager through Service Automation, you were redirected to the login page even though you had single sign-on (SSO) enabled.

Work Orders. For WOs that had linked requests for proposals, the new WOs list didn’t display RFP numbers. We’ve solved this issue.

Work Orders. When you accessed the new WOs list via iPad, the More and Reassign buttons worked incorrectly. As a result, you couldn’t create a linked WO, generate a proposal, or reassign a WO.

Work Orders. When you are searching for a WO on the new WOs list, only the All tab should be active because the search is done across all WOs. The Orig. ETA Missed tab was active by mistake.

Work Orders. When you batch edit WOs, changing the scheduled date no longer forces you to change the scheduled time.