02/Dec/18 | Service Automation RNs

02/Dec/18 | Service Automation RNs

Features and improvements


Compliance Manager. Important info for the admins! Insurance certificates that were resubmitted after you rejected them display the rejection details right in the PDF view. You can also view the info on all changes made to an insurance certificate by clicking History.

Work Orders. Find WOs with the original ETA missed quickly using our new filter on the WOs list.

Work Orders. When provider’s and subscriber’s preferred currencies are different, the work order NTE is converted to the provider’s currency after a linked classic service request is created.


Bug fixes


Admin. No error message pops up when you select the Password Self Management checkbox while creating a user.

Work Orders. Saved WO reports with an ampersand (&) in the name didn’t work correctly on the new WOs list when you opened them from QuickView.

Work Orders. Sometimes filter sets with the “Older than” option didn’t work properly on the new WOs list if you saved them on the Work Order Reports page. Now they are running as they should.