Understanding Work Order NTEs

Understanding Work Order NTEs

For Contractor Initiated Work Orders (CIWO), you negotiated with your client the pricing for services rendered based on a service level agreement. This information is entered by your client into a pricing matrix in Service Automation. This matrix — along with a services matrix — matches the services you are able to select in SC Provider.

After you submit a work order, the NTE is calculated for the submitted work order. After your work order is validated and confirmed, you can submit an invoice.

What is an NTE

A not-to-exceed amount, usually abbreviated as NTE, is the maximum amount a provider may charge for the services listed on the work order.

The work order NTE depends on the service and its level

Duplicate CIWO

When a second work order is created for the same service within the set amount of time by your client, your NTE will automatically change to 0 and the work order is linked to the original work order.