Dec 12, 2019 | Service Automation and Provider Automation RNs

Dec 12, 2019 | Service Automation and Provider Automation RNs

Features and improvements


Work Orders. For you to know how to select multiple people to be notified of a new WO note, we’ve placed a hint next to the recipients list in the overlay for adding WO notes. All you need to do is hold Ctrl (Command ⌘ on macOS) or Shift and pick the required people.

Work Orders. From this day onward, you gain more fine-grained control over notifications your providers receive when you update multiple WOs. In the overlay for editing WOs in batch, select the Notify Providers of WO Edit or Notify Providers of WO Cancellation checkbox — or both — to let them know that the WOs were edited or cancelled. Note that you can use the second checkbox only after you select the “Completed/Cancelled” status for these WOs.


Bug fixes


Admin. In Microsoft Edge 42, searching for a user profile on the users list didn’t work. When you entered a person’s name or ID and performed the search, nothing happened.

Admin. We’ve fine-tuned the dropdowns on the Service Providers page. The width of dropdowns was incorrect, which made them look not in line with our visual style.

Asset Manager. When you exported assets with standard attributes from the Manage Assets section, the Excel file was missing the Manufactured Date column. We’ve put it back.

Invoices. Letters in work order numbers became an issue for some providers who tried to create invoices via templates. When a WO number contained lowercase letters but a provider entered them in uppercase, the file with results pointed to an invalid number.

Proposals. Filtering proposals by category returned no results even though you had proposals of the specified category.

Proposals. For proposals with linked work orders, the WO category was missing from the overlay for taking action. This problem is solved, and the category doesn’t vanish into thin air anymore.

Site Planning Manager. Photos added to site audits in SC Mobile appeared sideways on the Site Planning Reports page of Service Automation. We now maintain the correct photo orientation in both the mobile and web apps.