Dec 4, 2019 | Service Automation and Provider Automation RNs

Dec 4, 2019 | Service Automation and Provider Automation RNs

Features and improvements


Asset Manager. We no longer support the assets import via text files due to its inefficiency. To upload assets with standard attributes, use Excel files.

Dashboard. On the Open Work Orders tab of Dashboard 2.0, the color legend for work order statuses mounted the WOs list. Off with scrolling all the way down to see what those colors mean!

Dashboard. When adding a work order note on the WO details page in Dashboard 2.0, you can select multiple people to be notified. To make it clearer how to do the trick, we’ve added a hint next to the recipients field. Hold Ctrl (Command ⌘ on macOS) or Shift, and pick the required people.

General. In the Locations & Provider Assignments section, the checkbox atop the locations list got a label — it’s now clear as day that it’s for selecting all locations.

Work Orders. Meet a couple of interface changes on the WOs list! Emergency WOs are now more prominent thanks to the new warning icon ⚠. Also, we’ve moved the WO priority closer to the center so that it grabs your attention right off the bat.

Work Orders. Previously, you couldn’t link an existing service request to another one. With our new feature, this becomes possible. In the WO editing overlay, select the WOs that should become follow-ups from the Linked Work Orders dropdown. Interested? Get hold of your ServiceChannel representative to add this new feature.


Bug fixes


Admin. Several overlays within the Invoices section under the Admin module didn’t look right, ignoring the visual style we stick to. We’ve touched them up with this release.

Admin. There was an interface glitch that hindered you from accessing the hamburger menu items. Once you opened a dropdown with filtering options on either the Locations or MLI Configuration page and then clicked the menu icon, the dropdown was still there hiding the menu.

Admin. When you’re uploading a location notes template of an incompatible encoding, we show you a warning message. Since our system is expecting files to be UTF-8 or UTF-8-BOM encoded, we recommend that you submit only files of these encoding types.

Compliance Manager. Custom messages you sent to your providers from the Contractors tab didn’t show up in the outgoing messages box. Also, other types of outgoing alerts didn’t hurry up to appear in this box, and you had to wait for them to load.

Compliance Manager. The Help link within Compliance Manager directed you to the wrong page. A few tweaks on our side — and the link leads you to ServiceChannel University. Hint: click your company business name in the top-right corner to find the link.

Compliance Manager. Those of you who don’t use our Payment Manager might have seen an odd Verification for Payment checkbox in the Basic Requirements section. The checkbox appeared once you selected any basic requirement.

Dashboard. In Dashboard 2.0, you had no option to download an Excel report on “Open” and “In Progress” work orders. It’s easy as pie now — click Export to Excel on the Open Work Orders tab. Voilà!

Dashboard. In the dashboard settings, you couldn’t delete an override. When you selected one on the Override tab and clicked Remove, the page kept on loading, and your changes were not saved.

Dashboard. Sleep better knowing that the issue with adding notes to work orders has been solved. Previously, you couldn’t create a note if the name you entered contained special characters, such as #, <, or >.

General. It was impossible to register a provider profile using the company name or tax ID that already existed in the system. We’ve made it feasible. Even if the warning shows up saying that the entered info is associated with an already existing company, providers are free to proceed with the registration.

General. We’ve resolved an issue with inviting subcontractors. When some providers wanted to add a subcontractor through the Work Order Assignment section of Provider Automation, a message showed up saying that something was wrong with dependencies between the contractor and the selected company.

Planned Maintenance Manager. When you added or edited a frequency, you had an issue with selecting months for the PM service to repeat. The month specified for creating the first work order got automatically selected in the Repeat On section, and you had no chance to deselect it.

Proposals. When providers opened multiple browser tabs to create several linked proposals for different work orders at a time, a caching issue occurred. As a result, one of the proposals got linked to an incorrect WO.

Proposals. When you were approving a proposal and changed the tied WO category, sometimes the approval reasons dropdown contained only general reasons, while trade- and category-specific options were missing.

QuickView. You couldn’t add more than six proposal reports to QuickView even though we allowed you to do so. Reach out to us if you want to change the maximum number of reports to appear on QuickView for your company.

Work Orders. After a provider declined a work order via email and this WO was auto-reassigned to another provider, the original provider didn’t receive an email notification about the WO cancellation. Email alerts of this type no longer fail to reach providers.

Work Orders. For some work orders, the total time spent on-site that you saw under the clock icon 🕘 on the WOs list was incorrect. The time equaled zero though the actual total was much more than that.

Work Orders. In Provider Automation, no matter how many phone numbers were listed on the Dispatch Preferences page, only the first listed person was lucky to get SMS alerts about new WOs. Now we do send messages to all listed recipients — provided that the WO location country and the country selected for the phone number are the same.

Work Orders. One rare but troublesome issue didn’t let you update the work order problem description. The page got frozen when you tried to save your changes.