May 5, 2022 | Service Automation and Provider Automation RNs

May 5, 2022 | Service Automation and Provider Automation RNs

Features and improvements

Core modules

Site Planning Manager. Fresh from the oven: we’ve made some improvements to the Site Planning module for SC Mobile users on Android devices. Now, you can have up to 10 Open or In Progress audits instead of one! Please note that you can’t conduct two audits for the same location with the same template.

Add-on modules

No features and improvements for add-on modules.

Bug fixes

Core modules

Invoices. Occasionally, when you opened an invoice using the Actions > View button on the invoices list, the Other line item falsely appeared. Also, the Amount column displayed 4 decimal places (175.9800) instead of two (175.98). Both annoyances are now fixed.

Planned Maintenance Manager. Upon uploading the PM Template with the AutoComplete cell set to 0 or 1, the PM module returned the following error message: Field 'autoComplete' format must be Boolean. This happened due to incorrect options set up for this column. We've done away with this issue. Learn more about the PM Template column descriptions in ServiceChannel University.

Work Orders. When you tried to edit work orders in bulk and clicked the Save button, nothing happened, and changes couldn't be saved. Now, the bulk work order editing works as expected.

Add-on modules

No bugs for add-on modules.