Feb 1, 2023 | Service Automation and Provider Automation RNs

Feb 1, 2023 | Service Automation and Provider Automation RNs

Features and improvements

Core modules

Dashboard. We've added a tooltip to the History section under the Approve Invoices tab. Hover over the info (info) icon to see its description.

Planned Maintenance Manager. The Type column is now available under the Assets option to the location details modal on a PM frequency. This column will display the asset type from the assets associated with a PM location.

Add-on modules

ServiceNow. The Requesters option is now available under the System Properties tab in ServiceNow. Use it to create work orders without having the app user role.

Bug fixes

Core modules

Invoices. Occasionally, when you tried to approve an invoice in the SC Mobile app, a system error message appeared. Now, you can approve your invoices both via SC Mobile and Service Automation.

Invoices. Upon filtering invoices on the invoices list, you might have noticed that the date range you've choose was displayed incorrectly. It showed the date range in past. This happened due to a time zone discrepancy. We've spotted the problem and cracked it.

Planned Maintenance Manager. PM frequencies on the PM Services tab were sorted randomly. Also, the page counter selection wasn't saved after viewing a PM service. Now a PM frequency is sorted by assigned in the top of the list and the page counter selection will not be reset.

Add-on modules

Enhanced Inventory Manager. After you uploaded the MS Excel Parts Catalog template, the brand you specified in the file failed to appear on the Parts Catalog page. Uploading the Parts Catalog template updates brand information as intended now.

Refrigerant Tracking Manager. During a leak record creation, you couldn't edit work orders in statuses available for you based on your permissions. The following error message appeared instead: Failed to update work order: User has no permission to set selected status. The issue is fixed.

Refrigerant Tracking Manager. Those who have locations in Canada might have had an issue with adding part groups under the Specific province setting section on the Admin - Refrigerant Tracking page. Previously, the number of part groups per province was limited to 5. The number of part groups per province you can add is not limited anymore.

Refrigerant Tracking Manager. When you moved a refrigerant work order to the Completed status and select No in the Refrigerant used? field, you might have seen the following error message: The "RefrigerantWasUsed" option should be set to Yes or No. The error does not pop up anymore.

ServiceNow. After you created a work order in ServiceNow, duplicate work orders appeared and there was no ability to remove it. We've added the SC - Cleanup Duplicated WOs poller to clear duplicate work orders.

ServiceNow. When you tried to synchronize locations in Service Automation and Service Now, a system error message appeared. Now locations can be synchronized without a hitch via the Synch Locations link under the Connection tab.