Dec 13, 2021 | Service Automation and Provider Automation RNs

Dec 13, 2021 | Service Automation and Provider Automation RNs

Features and improvements

Core modules

No features and improvements for this version.

Add-on modules

Projects. A new column was added in the Tasks List on the project details page. Now, you can view all Linked Proposals associated with a project. Also, it contains the main information on proposals (Proposal number, Trade, Provider, Amount, and Status) in the drop-down list.

Bug fixes

Core modules

ALP. The search for work orders by tracking, work order, or purchase order numbers on the Actionable Landing Page is limited to 600 work orders. When you tried to display more than 600 WOs, the app crashed. But now, when your search exceeds this limit, you will see a message offering you to reduce the number of WOs and try again.

Asset Manager. Sometimes, when you created an asset, updated it, or used import templates, the Asset Tag field was not displayed in the Revision History. We have tackled this issue.

Compliance Manager. When you invited a provider to your network and added their Vendor ID, the Vendor ID in Compliance manager and Service Automation did not always synchronize, which caused invoicing issues. Invoices could come without a Vendor ID or with the wrong address. We’ve found a way to address this issue.

MLI. Some of you had issues with pulling the MLI Audit report and received an error. The problem has been taken care of.

Work Orders. When you tried to get an Excessive Calls report, picked a location and trade, the report returned not only the trade you selected but added some random trades as well. Now, the report will show you the work orders for locations and trades you select.

Add-on modules

Inventory Manager. Previously, the parts’ prices and total values were different on the work order details page and in the Parts Usage Report in Inventory Manager. We've made some changes, and now the parts prices are displayed correctly on both pages.

Refrigerant Tracking Manager. There were occasional issues with creating retirement plans for refrigerated assets. Sometimes, you received errors related to plan dates, such as "Invalid Date Range," which didn't prevent you from creating a plan. In other cases, you clicked Save, but the window didn't close. We've solved both issues.