Feb 9, 2023 | Service Automation and Provider Automation RNs

Feb 9, 2023 | Service Automation and Provider Automation RNs

Features and improvements

Core modules

Admin. We've made some changes on the Checklist page in the Admin module. We know you want more details. Here they are:

  • The Trade Assignment column is renamed Assignment.
  • The Updated Date and Type columns are added.
  • The Created By column is removed.

Provider Directory. We've added the Awaiting Quote filter under the Work Orders section on the old and new versions of the Actionable Landing Page (ALP) for providers.

Work Orders. Previously, if you wanted to update the schedule date on a PM work order, the Reschedule Reason dropdown displayed the Vendor Requested option by default. Now, you are expected to select the appropriate reschedule reason themselves.

Add-on modules

No features and improvements for add-on modules.

Bug fixes

Core modules

Proposals. Proposal comments contained angle brackets < > didn't display correctly. Such comments were cut off. These symbols don’t break proposal comments anymore.

Provider Directory. Some providers could get multiple email alerts about the verification for payment not being finished, even if no actions were required. We tackled the issue, providers will no longer receive misleading emails.

Work Orders. Upon editing WOs in batch, when you changed the category you might have noticed that the CL code wasn't always updated. Now bulk editing functions without a hitch.

Add-on modules

No bugs for add-on modules.