Mar 20, 2024 | Service Automation and Provider Automation RNs

Mar 20, 2024 | Service Automation and Provider Automation RNs

Features and improvements

Core modules

No features and improvements for this version.

Add-on modules

Enhanced Inventory Manager. In the Transaction section, we've added the ability to edit the data in the Unit Price column on parts purchasing requests in the Open status. 📞Contact your Customer Success Manager to enable the feature.

Bug fixes

Core modules

Dashboard. In Dashboard 2.0, on the View All Work Orders tab, when you selected Export to Excel, the page got stuck on loading, and the MS Excel WO report was not generated. Now, you can download the WO report from the dashboard without a hitch.

Dashboard. With the Action Required Select Provider Email option enabled on the Note tab in dashboard settings, upon adding a note on a work order, the provider email was not pre-populated when you selected the Action Required checkbox. Now, the provider email automatically appears as a recipient for the note.

Location & Provider Assignments. We have updated the way the Google calendar integration works. Going forward, those who have Google calendar sync can only access the calendars that are available for editing.

Proposals. Due to an internal issue, a proposal copy could be generated with the same number. Now, the unique proposal number will be generated.

Proposals. The proposal description in the New Proposal email was displayed as solid text without line breaks. We've tackled the issue, and it shows as structured text.

Add-on modules

Site Planning Manager. Sometimes, the new site audit had an incorrect score. This happened if the MS Excel template uploaded on the Admin - Site Planning Setup page did not contain the GoodFair, and Failed columns. We've fixed it.