Aug 20, 2020 | Service Automation and Provider Automation RNs

Aug 20, 2020 | Service Automation and Provider Automation RNs

Features and improvements

No features and improvements for this version.

Bug fixes

Dashboard. When your dashboard was set to show the GL code on the work order confirmation page, you might have noticed that the GL Code text box was too large. It is smaller now and expands as you type — should the code be a long one.

Invoices. Uploading line-item invoices via template didn’t work — an unhelpful error message appeared making you guess what was wrong. Should it happen again, we give you more details about the invoices we fail to process — both in the error message and in the results file.

Locations & Provider Assignments. Next time you create a location with a location ID longer than 50 characters, we show you a more understandable alert — not the one about string and binary data.

Planned Maintenance Manager. Some of you couldn’t add an attachment to a frequency of a PM service. The file you selected showed up as 100% uploaded in the overlay for viewing frequency attachments, but then nothing happened.

Work Orders. For WOs declined via email, you saw a discrepancy in the name of the person who took this action — in the WO note and on the Status History tab. The latter showed the wrong name in the Changed By column. Today, to make it clear that a WO was accepted or declined via email, you see E-Mail Agent instead of the employee’s name in this column.