Mar 11, 2021 | Service Automation and Provider Automation RNs

Mar 11, 2021 | Service Automation and Provider Automation RNs

Features and improvements

Core modules

Admin. There’s never too much security. We’ve added a new option to the password complexity rules. From now on, you can set up both uppercase and lowercase letters as required for your employees’ passwords. Please mind that to set uppercase and/or lowercase letters as mandatory, you should first select the Require Letters checkbox.

Asset Manager. The size of a file you attach to an asset from the asset details page shouldn’t exceed 50 MB. We’ve added this information as a friendly reminder in the overlay for adding attachments.

Work Orders. Like a puzzle where a piece of it got lost, redesigned email alerts about new WO notes were missing the WO status. We’ve added this piece of information to the email body. In addition, we’ve nested the WO priority to the email too. Looks like you have a complete puzzle now!

Work Orders. The subject line of redesigned email alerts about work orders now includes the state of the WO location in addition to other location details.

Work Orders. Time-consuming email sorting is now over! If a new work order is created by your provider via the Contractor-Initiated Work Order (CIWO) experience in SC Provider, the redesigned notification email about this service request will contain the “Provider Initiated” note in the subject line.

Add-on modules

Supply Manager. Whenever the order limit is exceeded and your approval is required, you can reply Approve to the redesigned email about a new Supply Manager order request. We’ve added this information for you as a hint above the Accept and Decline buttons.

Bug fixes

Core modules

Invoices. Money loves accurate count. If your subtotals for labor line items didn’t count well on the invoice details page, we’ve got great news for you — the root of this evil is found and erased! Rounding before counting caused a minor discrepancy between the labor subtotal and total amounts.

Proposals. While creating a proposal, providers who tried to add a new asset to their client’s assets database could neither add an asset nor submit the proposal without an asset — if the asset was mandatory. It happened because the

Asset Type drop-down list contained no asset types to pick from. Now it displays all the options available.

Work Orders. A short note you added to a work order via email turned into a long story in the WO details. What is more, the story had nothing to do with the note. We’ve done away with these stories — the note you add is the note displayed on the work order.

Work Orders. For some providers, attempts to accept service requests by responding Accept or Yes to redesigned notification emails backfired and resulted in these work orders being declined. Sending the Accept or Yes answer now does exactly what you expect.

Add-on modules

Projects. You couldn’t issue a work order task if, prior to hitting the magic Issue Work Order button, you edited some of the task information in the overlay for issuing the work order. Now you can edit your work orders right before issuing them.