Mar 24, 2021 | Service Automation and Provider Automation RNs

Mar 24, 2021 | Service Automation and Provider Automation RNs

Features and improvements

Core modules

Admin. Now location IDs may officially contain special characters! When you create or edit a location, you can use the following special characters for location IDs: ` " ( ) * ? : < > { } [ ] | , / = + % $ # @ ; !. Previously, you could use these characters only when uploading locations via template.

Add-on modules

No features and improvements for add-on modules.

Bug fixes

Core modules

Compliance Manager. In MS Excel reports on your providers that you downloaded from the hamburger menu > Service Providers page, vendor ID information was incorrect for some providers. Vendor ID discrepancies have been found and squashed.

Dashboard. Some of you might have faced the following problem: you uploaded a new issue list with no overrides set up, but work orders still were assigned according to some override rule. It happened when the newly uploaded issue list had the same name as the already existing one that had overrides.

Proposals. Copying a proposal triggered an error that didn’t let providers create a new proposal. Why did it happen? The system didn’t like it when a provider tried to copy a proposal linked to a work order with an asset. We’ve told the system to put its personal feelings aside and be professional: now it allows providers to copy proposals without issues.

Provider Directory. The home page for providers showed one percentage for their profile completion, while the Profile Overview page displayed a different number. These two pages couldn’t agree on which percentage to display, which resulted in a discrepancy. We’ve helped them come to an agreement: both pages show the same percentage.

Work Orders. Sometimes, after providers accepted or declined work orders via redesigned WO dispatch emails by replying Yes, OK, Accept, No, or Decline, the work order status didn’t change. Providers don’t have to doubt whether they have actually emailed their reply: the WO status gets updated once the answer is sent.

Work Orders. Whenever providers selected the Send Copy to Myself option while leaving a work order note, an email notification got sent only to the employees who added the note. Other people specified among the WO note recipients were left out without a notification. Sending a copy of the email to yourself no longer excludes other employees from the recipients list.

Work Orders. With multiple email addresses added to the WO note recipients list, some of the addressees didn’t get email notifications. Their emails were literally cut off from the list. This happened because the number of characters for emails was limited.

Add-on modules

Projects. No providers appeared as available when you created an RFP task? Knowing for sure that there were providers assigned to the location and trade, you couldn’t figure it out why none of them appeared for your RFP. The culprit has been found: it was an ampersand & in the trade name. Ampersands don’t rock the boat anymore. Bon voyage!

Refrigerant Tracking Manager. Work orders kept staying in the Completed / Pending Refrigerant Use status even after you entered a refrigerant part usage record for an asset on this work order from the Asset History tab of asset details page. The WO status change does occur now: the request moves to the Completed / Pending Confirmation status. P.S. You should have the Refrigerant Tracking Admin user role to be able to add part usages from the asset page.