Jun 5, 2020 | Service Automation and Provider Automation RNs

Jun 5, 2020 | Service Automation and Provider Automation RNs

Features and improvements


Admin. Next time you add an internal provider in Admin > Providers, make sure you specify the processing email for this provider. This info becomes mandatory since it helps minimize issues with logging in to our ServiceChannel Provider mobile app.

Webhooks. Webhook notifications about check-outs now contain the number of technicians who worked on the service request. To learn more about webhooks, head to our ServiceChannel Developer Portal.

Work Orders. One step forward in making the search tool on the WOs list better! When copying multiple tracking, WO, or PO numbers from an Excel file and then pasting them into the search fields, numbers are separated by line breaks — just as in your Excel file.


Bug fixes


Asset Manager. After you imported assets via template, primary and additional trades vanished from the asset revision history. This mysterious disappearance of trades no longer takes place.

Asset Manager. Clicking the Imported From link on the details page of an imported asset led you to a bunch of Excel files, and it was problematic to understand where exactly this asset came from. With this release, we show only one file — the true source of an asset.

Asset Manager. For some of you, adding an asset was no dice — when you tried to, an error appeared stating that this asset tag ID had already been used even though you didn’t have assets with this tag ID. The issue is solved.

Proposals. After you approved a proposal and closed the confirmation overlay by clicking Close ❌ in the upper-right corner, the proposals list didn’t get updated. Nor did the proposal status. We keep both things updated now.

SC Provider. Some technicians couldn’t clock in and out of work orders: in place of the check-in/out button, techs saw a spinning gear icon ⚙️ that wouldn’t go away. No longer does this issue halt the techs’ work.