May 15, 2020 | Service Automation and Provider Automation RNs

May 15, 2020 | Service Automation and Provider Automation RNs

Features and improvements


No features and improvements for this version.


Bug fixes


Compliance Manager. Earlier, you faced the “Oops! An error has occurred” message when trying to create a new contractor. This error no longer stands in your way.

Dashboard. Hola, amigos! Switching your dashboard language from English to Spanish brought out translation issues: some areas were not translated correctly into Spanish or were not translated at all. Wave adios to those issues — they are all solved!

Invoices. For invoices with multiple other charges, the Tax Validation tab of the invoice details page failed to display each other charge separately. Instead, you saw one row for all of them. Every charge now gets its own line.

Invoices. When written in non-Latin characters, the invoice text on the invoice details page looked weird, displaying a bunch of question marks. Note: the invoice text is a problem resolution provided upon creating an invoice.

Work Orders. Things went wrong when you tried to link multiple existing work orders via the WO editing overlay. If you manually entered tracking numbers instead of picking them from the drop-down list, only one WO got linked.

Work Orders. When you added an attachment with non-Latin or special characters in the name to a WO by email, the file appeared with a wrong name on the WOs list and on the WO details page.

Work Orders. When you edited WOs in bulk and added an NTE amount in the currency other than USD, you could enter an amount greater than your allowed NTE limit. We wrongly converted those currencies, and that triggered the NTE issue.