23/Oct/18 | Service Automation RNs

23/Oct/18 | Service Automation RNs

Features and improvements


General. If you already use our redesigned work orders list, you can now go to the list right from the console. To do so, just click View Details.

General. When your providers received email notifications about work orders, sometimes they saw redundant description records. These records are gone now.

Invoices. On the invoices list, you can now search for invoices by several work order or tracking numbers at a time.


Bug fixes


Admin. In the Invoices section, when you wanted to remove users from a MLI level, the selected users counter worked incorrectly. Now it displays the exact number of selected users.

Fixxbook. On the Contractors tab, once you close the notes of any active contractor, you no longer jump back to the top of the list.

General. Those who have access to only one location sometimes saw the incorrect list of recipients while adding WO notes through SC Mobile. Now this list on the app corresponds to the one in the dashboard.

QuickView. If you use our classic work orders list, sometimes on the QuickView page, you saw the incorrect number of WOs in each saved report. It was confusing, and we do apologize for that.

WorkForce. In the overlay from where you forward work orders to other technicians, some of you saw that another technician was already selected though no forwarding rule was actually created. We've fixed this issue.

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