Granting Access and Viewing Access Granted Technicians

Granting Access and Viewing Access Granted Technicians

Technicians arriving at your location for the first time must show their badge so you can manually scan it to grant access to your location. After the first scan, you can either continue to manually scan the badge or automatically grant access, based on your configuration.

Granting Access for the technician’s badge in either way verifies:

  • the technician(s) assigned to work on the work order; and
  • the date and time the technician(s) should be on site.

Once a technician is granted access, the badge is valid for 24 hours.

A technician may check into a work order before you have the ability to scan them. You can turn on mobile notifications to alert you when a technician is onsite, so you can scan the badge.

⦿ How to Grant Access to a Technician for the First Time
  1. Under the Scheduled list, locate and tap the desired technician. The QR Scanner appears.
    Preparing to Scan a Provider's Badge
  2. Point the QR Scanner towards the technician’s mobile device and scan the QR Code.
    Scanning a Provider's Badge
    • The technician’s badge, when valid, appears on your phone as Validated. This badge is only good for 24 hours. See Badge Access for 24 Hours for more information.

      Note: When a badge is not valid you will see an indicator on your screen. See Resolving Invalid Badges and Badge Scans for more information.

    • The technician is automatically checked in to the work order.
    • The badge moves from the Scheduled list to the Access Granted list. See Viewing an Access Granted Badge for more information.
⦿ How to Grant Access to a Technician After the First Badge Scan
  1. On the Scheduled list, tap Grant Access underneath the desired technician. The technician is automatically granted access.

Scanning Multiple Technicians

When more than one technician enters your location to work on the same work order, you must scan each technician separately. Each technician then has to clock in using their JobSite app after you scan. Technicians who are not scanned and validated cannot clock into work orders, and should not gain entry to your location.

Badge Access for 24 Hours

When you scan a badge the technician can access the site using that same badge for up to 24 hours. For example: a badge scanned at 4:00pm on Tuesday is valid until 4:00pm on Wednesday. This means, as technicians enter and exit your location (to get parts, to break for lunch, or for other reasons), they may use the same badge that you had previously validated, for up to 24 hours. After 24 hours, the badge expires. 

Should the technician’s badge expire the following must happen:

  1. You (or someone on your team) must edit the work order and move the scheduled date to a future desired date. 
  2. The technician must regenerate a badge.
  3. You must scan and validate the new badge.

Viewing an Access Granted Badge

When a technician’s badge is scanned, it moves from the Scheduled list to the Access Granted list. Tap the Access Granted tab to show the list.

Access Granted to the Provider

This list displays technicians who have accessed your location over the past 12 hours. After 12 hours, technicians disappear from this list.

From here, you may review work orders assigned to this technician, or send a text message to all technicians who have been granted access.