Mar 4, 2020 | Service Automation and Provider Automation RNs

Mar 4, 2020 | Service Automation and Provider Automation RNs

Features and improvements

Proposals. The page with filters and search criteria now remembers all the options you apply. If after viewing the list of filtered proposals you go back to the filters page clicking the back button of your browser, the previously applied filters stay intact.

Work Orders. Many of you were missing the color legend on the WOs list. The legend is back! Watch for the color boxes next to each status atop the list.


Bug fixes

ALP. When you searched for work orders by location ID from the Actionable Landing Page and opted to exclude maintenance WOs, they still appeared among your search results on the WOs list. That’s all over and done with!

Compliance Manager. The providers’ compliance with insurance requirements was displayed incorrectly in some cases: compliant providers appeared as non-compliant on the Compliance Summary page. Besides, the compliance percentage for some providers was false. Both issues are solved.

Dashboard. Adding a problem description when creating a WO turned out to be tricky. Once you hit Enter on your keyboard to start a new line, you suddenly jumped to the next page. Nothing makes you switch the page against your will anymore.

Dashboard. The overrides stopped working correctly, and work orders got dispatched to the wrong providers. Sorry if you were affected.

Dashboard. You couldn’t dispatch WOs to some of your providers. An error message appeared saying they were flagged as “Do Not Dispatch”, which was not true. The issue happened when you had only one provider assigned to the trade and location for which you were creating a WO.

General. In the Locations & Provider Assignments section, some of you got an error when filtering locations and selecting the Show Primary Rank Only checkbox in the upper-right corner. The error doesn’t pop up anymore. However, you still need to wait to get your locations filtered — especially if you have many of them.

General. When a provider declined a work order via email and it got reassigned to another contractor, the latter failed to receive any notification email about that service request. Not all WOs were hit by the issue: only those with attachments.

Supply Manager. Trying to log out of Supply Manager triggered an error. We’ve dealt with this issue, and you can log out without a hitch.

Work Orders. Once you clicked a work order attachment, it started loading to your device instead of opening in another browser tab. The status quo has been restored — all files appear in a new tab.

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