Jul 28, 2020 | Service Automation and Provider Automation RNs

Jul 28, 2020 | Service Automation and Provider Automation RNs

Features and improvements

Admin. Save your changes to the multi-level invoice (MLI) setup in a new way! After you’ve updated an MLI level or rule, click Apply Changes at the bottom of the MLI Configuration page. Wait, that’s not all the news: should you change your mind, click Discard Changes — in one click, all your updates get rejected.

Compliance Manager. How often your providers should receive email alerts about their insurance documents that are about to expire depends on the preference you select in Compliance Manager settings > Company Settings > Contractors' insurance expiration alert section: Never, Weekly, Semi-monthly, Monthly. These settings didn’t work properly before, bothering your providers with an alert every single day.

Proposals. When providers submit a proposal in response to a request for proposal (RFP), the WO information — if any — from the RFP now gets copied to the proposal. The proposal will contain the WO and PO number as well as WO description, status, and labels.

Work Orders. Ready to approve an invoice for a WO? You can do it right from the WOs list! Hover over the invoice number, and click Approve — as easy as winking. Interested? Contact us to enable this feature for you.

Bug fixes

Invoices. Uploading invoices via a template didn’t go swimmingly for some of you. It would take too much time to load the file or even several tries. We make sure the upload process works fine now.

Locations & Provider Assignments. Got an error when downloading a report on provider assignments? It could happen if you filtered your locations by trade and opted to show only primary-ranked providers before exporting the report.

Planned Maintenance Manager. Do you use non-Latin characters when completing the PM template? If so, save the template as a UTF-8 file — and not as a tab-delimited text file. It will prevent issues with displaying the WO description and caller name that contain non-Latin characters.

Proposals. You had no chance to edit a proposal associated with a work order that was a recall from another service request. The Update button in the overlay for editing a proposal was inactive.

Webhooks. Because of a time zone issue, WO check-in notifications on some work orders contained an incorrect check-in date. We show the right dates now. To learn more about webhooks, head to our ServiceChannel Developer Portal.

Work Orders. Assigning work orders with the scheduled date laying in the past didn’t work correctly for providers. When they assigned a service request from the list of unassigned WOs in the Work Order Assignment section, a confirmation message appeared, but no assignment happened in fact — the WO remained unassigned.

Work Orders. When you added a WO note, in some cases, the list of addressees included even those employees who were not supposed to be there since they didn’t have access to the WO location. From now on, you see only relevant recipients on the list.

Work Orders. Your saved filters with long names looked messy in the dropdown with saved filters. Tweaks here and there — and this interface issue doesn’t offend the eye anymore.