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When the invoice information in the list view is not enough to get a clear picture, the invoice details page is the right place to go.

title⦿ How to Access the Invoice Details Page
  1. On the top navigation bar, click Invoices. The Invoices List appears.
  2. Find the required invoice, and click the invoice number.

    Image Modified

The invoice details page opens.


When you go to the invoice details page, it gets open with a unique link in the address bar. You may share the link with your colleagues or with permissioned service provider employees to give them quick access to the invoice.

Each invoice opens with a unique link in the browser

For each invoice, the following information is available in the detailed view:

Screenshot showing the invoice details sectionImage Added

  1. Column 1. Billing address of your company and the location where the work was done
  2. Column 2. Information on the provider who completed the invoiced work order
  3. Column 3. Work order details, including the tracking, work order, and PO number (displaying up to 50 characters), work order assignee, not-to-exceed (NTE) amount, and date when the work was completed

  4. Top row. Invoice number, creation date, and status


    When creating invoices, you and your provider can reuse invoice numbers associated with Rejected invoices.  

    Contact your ServiceChannel manager to enable the feature. 

    titleExpand the section to view invoice statuses and their descriptions.

    Invoice Statuses

    Invoices can have one of the following statuses:

    • Open. The invoice has been submitted by the provider and is waiting for your review.
    • Reviewed. When your company has multiple levels of invoice approvers, the invoice remains in this status from the time the first person approves the invoice until the final person approves or rejects the invoice.
    • Approved. The invoice has been reviewed and approved by you or one of your colleagues.
    • Rejected. The invoice costs and details are not agreed upon. The service provider may need to resubmit the invoice.
    • Paid. The invoice has been paid by your company. This status is available if you use the Payment Manager /wiki/spaces/UJNK/pages/686981327 module.
    • On Hold. The invoice requires further review before any action can be taken.
    • Disputed. On the invoice, the entered tax does not match the system validation. This status is available if you have the Tax Validation module.

  5. Expandable sections. Location notes, WO details, invoice text, etc.
  6. Charges tab. Invoice costs, including labor, material, freight, travel, and other expenses


    Should you need to change the decimal point (.) to decimal comma (,) on monetary amounts, contact your ServiceChannel representative. 

  7. History tab. Invoice approval, proposal, error and exclusion, transfer, and payment history
  8. Attachments tab. Files attached to the invoice
  9. Linked Work Orders tab. Work orders linked to the current invoiced work order
  10. Related Invoices tab. Information about all invoices related to the work order


    Contact your ServiceChannel manager to enable the Related Invoices tab. 

    Screenshot showing the invoice details sectionImage Removed

    Navigate between the tabs to view more information about tabs.

Rw ui tabs macro

Rw tab

Types of Invoices

In Service Automation, there are two types of invoices: a Standard Invoice and a Line Item Invoice. Depending on your system configuration, providers create either a Standard Invoice or a Line Item Invoice.

Each invoice type has 2 expandable sections that allow you to check the agreed client rates and technicians’ check-in/out information: 

  • Client Rates. The section contains information about labor charges you configure, using client rates, and the material costs and markups agreed via negotiated price lists. If there is a rate mismatch between the agreed item and the one entered by your provider, you will see a Warning icon.



    Please, contact your ServiceChannel representative should you need to change the decimal point (.) to decimal comma (,) on non-monetary amounts, such as: 

    • Hours and Duration 
    • Quantity Amounts 
    • Weight. 

  • Check-In/Out. This section displays a technician’s work date, check-in/out information, GPS / IVR status, number of technicians on location, and time spent on site. It gives comprehensive information on whether your provider’s technicians are paid correctly.


    The GPS / IVR Status column indicates if a technician checked in/out within the allowed radius specified in the Site Access Rules: 

    • If a check-in and check-out have been performed on-site, you will see the Compliant status. 
    • If the status is Non-Compliant, you will see how far  
      a technician was from the location.  
    • If you do not have GPS coordinates or location addresses set up, the status will be Non-Compliant (Unknown). 

    If invoiced labor hours do not coincide with actual hours, you will see a Warning note below the CHECK IN / CHECK OUT section. 

    Contact your ServiceChannel manager to enable the feature. 

Standard Invoice

A Standard Invoice reflects total labor, travel, material, freight, and other charges. It does not, however, break down any costs into line items.

Charges of a standard invoice on the invoice details page

Line Item Invoice

A line item invoice shows all provider charges, including itemized labor, travel, material, and other costs. 

The Invoice Details can show: 

  • Itemized charges with the exact prices 
  • GL and Additional Approval Codes 
  • Price mismatch and its reasons 

Depending on your company system configuration, you can prompt your providers to break down not only labor and material costs but also travel, other, and freight chargesReach out to your ServiceChannel representative to itemize charges. 

Screenshot showing the charges tab

LineItem Charges 

Labor Charges 

When labor costs are broken down into line items, you see how many employees worked on your service request, their skill levels, hourly rates, time spent on work completion, and other information. 


You can set up client ratesto view the types of items and discrepancies between the agreed labor price and the actual price. 

Screenshot showing labor mismatches

Contact your ServiceChannel manager to enable labor rates.   

Travel and Freight Charges 

When travel charges are itemized, you can see the item description, the price for each unit,and the total travel charges. The same goes for itemized freight charges. 


In the Material section, you can see a detailed list of the materials used, including their quantity, price, and part number. 


You can set up a negotiated price list to view part names and markup % for each material item and discrepancies between the negotiated price and actual price, negotiated markup % and the actual one. 

Screenshot showing the material mismatches 

Contact your ServiceChannel manager to enable price lists.   

Other Charges 

These charges consist of theitem description, the price for each unit and the total amount of the section. 


You can set up a negotiated price list to view the types of items and discrepancies between the negotiated and actual prices. 

Screenshot showing the other charges

Contact your ServiceChannel manager to enable price lists.   

Rw tab

You can view documents, images, and other files attached to the invoice. They may include receipts, contracts, warranty documents, original invoice copies, and other relevant information. 


When you needa digital copy of the original provider’s invoice to meet your local requirements, we recommend using the invoice digital copy feature of ServiceChannel 

Screenshot showing attachments

With the feature, you can select which providers should attach the document to the ServiceChannel invoice. For more information, read About Provider Digital Invoice Copy 

Rw tab


Contact your ServiceChannel manager to enable the tab. 

The tab reflects all previousinvoices linked to the same work order,including the rejected ones 

Screenshot showing the related invoices tab

Under this tab, you can view:

  • Invoice number. You can click the invoice number to view the detailed invoice information.


    When creating invoices, you and your provider can reuse invoice numbers associated with Rejected invoices.  

     Contact your ServiceChannel manager to enable the feature. 

  • Invoice Creation Date 
  • Invoice Status 
  • Comment 
  • Last Updated Date 
  • MLI User Level. If you are an MLI user, you will see this column showing the level of the user who acted on the invoice. 
  • Last Updated By 


    Note that Void invoices are not shown under the Related Invoices tab, as they are considered deleted. 


GL and Additional Approval Codes 

GL codes and additional approval codes help you identify financial processes. Theseindicators can be changed depending on your configuration.  

Screenshot showing the GL and additional approval codesImage Modified


Contact your ServiceChannel manager to be able to view and change codes on the Invoice Details page. 

Mismatch and Reasons for Mismatch 

You may notice the Warning icon next to one of the sections: labor, material, and other charges.  

It indicates that the invoice went through validation, and there are discrepancies between the agreed and actual prices for labor, material, or other charges, the agreed markup % and the actual one. Next to them, you can see the reasons for the price mismatch. 


Contact your ServiceChannel manager to be able to view invoice mismatches and the reasons for them.

Screenshot showing mismatches

The validation depends on whether you have the agreed client rates or/and negotiated price lists with your provider.  
You can check the list of agreed prices in the Client Rates section. For more information about validation, read About Invoiced Rates Validation. 

Transferred Invoices

A transferred invoice is an approved invoice that has been sent to your company's accounting department for payment. Both Standard and Line Item Invoices can be transferred invoices.

When configured, all approved invoices are combined into one file. This can be done once a day, a week, or a month. The file is then sent to your company's accounting department for payment. All invoices included in that file are transferred invoices.

In Service Automation, transferred invoices are marked with a special icon that is displayed both on the Invoices List and on the invoice details page. Use the tabs below to see where to look for this icon on the mentioned pages.

titleClick here to see the Invoices List

Transferred invoice icon on the Invoices List

titleClick here to see the Invoice Details Page

Transferred invoice icon on the invoice details page

Additionally, when you go to the History tab on the invoice details page, you can check the Transfer History details — in particular, the date when this invoice was transferred to the accounting department.

Invoice transfer history

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