In the configuration, you decide what invoices should be auto-approved depending on their date range, providers, invoice amount, and other conditions.  


Before you setting up the invoice auto-approval, select the Enable auto-approval checkbox in the top-left corner.  

Picture showing the enable checkboxImage Removed

You can disable it at any time without losing your configuration. 

Troubleshooting Checklist 

When the wrong invoice has been approved, or the needed invoices have not been approved, use this checklist to ensure the auto-approval configuration works correctly. 

Rw ui expands macro

Rw expand
titleExpand the section to open the checklist.

When you have problems with the auto-approval process, please, check:

The invoice age is within the invoice period specified in Step1of the configuration. 
Screenshot showing the invoice period fieldImage Removed
The work order age of the invoice is within the period specified in Step 1 of the configuration.
Screenshot showing the work order age fieldImage Removed
The invoice Category/Trade of the invoice coincides with those specified in Step 2.
Screenshot showing the category and trade columnsImage Removed
Ensure the invoice matches the conditionsyou have configured before: 
  • Invoice Rate > Agreed Rate or Invoice Rate < Agreed Rate 
  • Invoice Markup > Agreed Material Markup or Invoice Markup > Agreed Material Markup  
  • Missing Check-In Entries from WO is selected or not 
  • Invoice Price > Agreed Price or Invoice Price < Agreed Price 
  • Invoice Time > WO Check-In/Out Time or Invoice Time < WO Check-In/Out Time  
  • Approval Rates exist or Approval Rates DO NOT exist
    Add condition windowImage Removed
    Ensure that the conditions you have do not contradict each other. 
    Screenshot showing the contradicting conditionsImage Removed
    If you have multiple rulesets in auto-approval configuration, check that the sets of providers for different rulesets are not intersected and do not contradict each other. 
    Screenshot showing the contradicting rulesetsImage Removed

    The invoice auto-approval configuration is divided into 3 steps: 

    1. In the first step, you specify general conditions which will affect specific invoices. 
    2. In the second step, you configure conditions to narrow down the number of affected invoices. 
    3. (Optional) The third step allows you to send the auto-approval configuration reports to emails.  
    AnchorStep1AutoApprovalStep1AutoApprovalConfiguring the First

    In the configuration, you decide what invoices should be auto-approved depending on their date range, providers, invoice amount, and other conditions.  


    Before you setting up the invoice auto-approval, select the Enable auto-approval checkbox in the top-left corner.  

    Picture showing the enable checkboxImage Added

    You can disable it at any time without losing your configuration. 

    Troubleshooting Checklist 

    When the wrong invoice has been approved, or the needed invoices have not been approved, use this checklist to ensure the auto-approval configuration works correctly. 

    Rw ui expands macro

    Rw expand
    titleExpand the section to open the checklist.

    When you have problems with the auto-approval process, please, check:

    1. The invoice age is within the invoice period specified in Step1of the configuration. 

      Screenshot showing the invoice period fieldImage Added

    2. The work order age of the invoice is within the period specified in Step 1 of the configuration.

      Screenshot showing the work order age fieldImage Added
    3. The invoice Category/Trade of the invoice coincides with those specified in Step 2.

      Screenshot showing the category and trade columnsImage Added

    4. Ensure the invoice matches the conditionsyou have configured before: 
      1. Invoice Rate > Agreed Rate or Invoice Rate < Agreed Rate 
      2. Invoice Markup > Agreed Material Markup or Invoice Markup > Agreed Material Markup  
      3. Missing Check-In Entries from WO is selected or not 
      4. Invoice Price > Agreed Price or Invoice Price < Agreed Price 
      5. Invoice Time > WO Check-In/Out Time or Invoice Time < WO Check-In/Out Time  
      6. Approval Rates exist or Approval Rates DO NOT exist

        Add condition windowImage Added
    5. Ensure that the conditions you have do not contradict each other. 

      Screenshot showing the contradicting conditionsImage Added
    6. If you have multiple rulesets in auto-approval configuration, check that the sets of providers for different rulesets are not intersected and do not contradict each other. 

      Screenshot showing the contradicting rulesetsImage Added

    The invoice auto-approval configuration is divided into 3 steps: 

    1. In the first step, you specify general conditions which will affect specific invoices. 
    2. In the second step, you configure conditions to narrow down the number of affected invoices. 
    3. (Optional) The third step allows you to send the auto-approval configuration reports to emails.  

    Configuring the First Step of Invoice Auto-

    In the first step, you configure the dates and ages of the invoices that the auto-approval process will impact. 

    title⦿ How to Configure the First Step of Invoice Auto-Approval
    1. Next to When invoice, select the Posted Date or the Invoice Date. 
      • The Posted Date is the automatically generated date when the invoice is submitted 
      • The Invoice Date is the date which the provider selects when creating the invoice. 
    2. Next to is after, select the desired date from the date picker, or enter the date. 
    3. Next to and invoices older than, enter the minimum age of invoices in days to be considered for auto-approval. 
    4. Next to and work orders are newer than, select the maximum age of the work orders to be included, in months. 

    Screenshot showing where to enter information for step 1Image Added


    You can only select one date range for all invoices per auto-approval. 

    Configuring the Second Step of Invoice Auto-Approval

    In the first step 2, you configure the dates and ages of the invoices that the auto-approval process will impact. 

    title⦿ How to Configure the First Step of Invoice Auto-Approval
    1. Next to When invoice, select the Posted Date or the Invoice Date. 
      • The Posted Date is the automatically generated date when the invoice is submitted 
      • The Invoice Date is the date which the provider selects when creating the invoice. 
    2. Next to is after, select the desired date from the date picker, or enter the date. 
    3. Next to and invoices older than, enter the minimum age of invoices in days to be considered for auto-approval. 
    4. Next to and work orders are newer than, select the maximum age of the work orders to be included, in months. 

    Screenshot showing where to enter information for step 1Image Removed


    You can only select one date range for all invoices per auto-approval. 

    AnchorStep2AutoApprovalStep2AutoApprovalConfiguring the Second Step of Invoice Auto-Approval 

    In step 2, you add the conditions under which ServiceChannel will sort the needed invoices and send them to auto-approve.  

    For example, only invoices under the following conditions will be approved: 

    • Invoices have at least 1 WO attachment. 
    • The agreed rate is less than the invoice rate. 
    • The minimum time difference between the Invoice time and WO check in/out time is less than 0.25 hrs (15 min). 

    You can set up the conditions in 2 ways: 

  • Set up conditions that will apply to all selected providers. 
  • Create multiple rules with conditions for different provider sets. 
    title⦿ How to Add Conditions for Invoice Auto-Approval
    AnchorConditionsAutoApprovalConditionsAutoApprovalClick + Add Condition 
    Screenshot showing the add condition buttonImage Removed
  • Select Include or Exclude from Auto-Approval invoices that meet the conditions you specify. 
  • Select the Has Approved Proposal checkbox for invoices required to have at least one proposal that was approved. 
  • Select the Has WO Attachment checkbox for invoices required to have at least one attachment

    add the conditions under which ServiceChannel will sort the needed invoices and send them to auto-approve.  

    For example, only invoices under the following conditions will be approved: 

    • Invoices have at least 1 WO attachment. 
    • The agreed rate is less than the invoice rate. 
    • The minimum time difference between the Invoice time and WO check in/out time is less than 0.25 hrs (15 min). 

    You can set up the conditions in 2 ways: 

    1. Set up conditions that will apply to all selected providers. 
    2. Create multiple rules with conditions for different provider sets. 


    It is not necessary to select all checkboxes during the second step configuration. Select only those you need.

    title⦿ How to Add Conditions for Invoice Auto-Approval
    1. Anchor
      + Add Condition 

      Screenshot showing the add condition buttonImage Added

    2. Select Include or Exclude from Auto-Approval invoices that meet the conditions you specify. 
    3. Select the Has Approved Proposal checkbox for invoices required to have at least one proposal that was approved. 
    4. Select the Has WO Attachment checkbox for invoices required to have at least one attachment. 
    5. Select the Include non-compliant hours in check in/out time checkbox for invoices withnon-compliant check-in/out hours

      1. Enter the miles within which invoices will be included or excluded from auto-approval.

      2. Select if a non-compliant invoice check-in/out should be >= or <= the miles you specified.  


        The compliance status depends on if technicians check-ins/outs are within the allowed radius that you configured in theSite Access Rules module. 

        • If you include this rule (Step 1 of this instruction), invoices with non-compliant check-in hours will be auto approved. 
        • If you exclude this rule (Step 2 of this instruction), invoices with non-compliant check-in hours will not be auto approved. 

        Contact your ServiceChannel manager to be able to view compliant and non-compliant check-in hours. 

    6. Select the Has Provider Invoice checkbox for invoices required to have a digital copy of provider’s original invoice attached.

      Screenshot showing the conditionsImage RemovedImage Added

    7. Configure conditions in the Rate Validation section.

      About the Rate Validation Section

      Rate validation ensures that the charges on invoices align with the agreed-upon prices. It helps prevent overcharging or billing discrepancies, allowing for effective cost control and expense management. 

      Screenshot showing the rate validation section


      Contact your ServiceChannel manager to have the Rate Validation, Material Markup Validation, Time Mismatch Validationand/or Negotiated Price List settings. 

      Rw ui expands macro

      Rw expand
      titleExpand the section to configure Rate Validation.

      Labor Validation

      The Labor Validation checks if the invoice rate matches the rates you agreedwith a provider before. You can select Invoice Rate > Agreed Rate or Invoice Rate < Agreed Rate to include to or exclude from auto-approval those invoices which meet this configuration 

      Screenshot showing the labor rates sectionImage Modified

      • The Invoice Rate is specified by your provider in the submitted invoice. 

        Screenshot showing the hourly rate field
      • The Agreed Rate is the rate you have agreed upon with the provider. For more information about agreed rates, read Taking Action on Proposed Rates.

        Screenshot showing agreed rates
        For example, you do not want to auto approve those invoices which labor rates specified by provider in the invoice arehigher than the approved labor rates that you agreed on in your private network. 


      You can select only one checkbox or leave both checkboxes clear. If both checkboxes are clear, this setting will not be taken into account during the auto-approval process. 

      Material Markup Validation

      The material markup validation checks if the invoice markup that a provider reported coincides with the agreed markup number specified in the agreed rates or negotiated price list. 


      Contact your ServiceChannel representative to enable the Material Markup Validation 

      You can select Invoice Markup % > Agreed Markup%or Invoice Markup % < Agreed Markup %to include to or exclude from auto-approval those invoices which meet this configuration.  

      Screenshot showing the markup validation sectionImage Modified

      • The Invoice Markup % is specified by your provider in the submitted invoice. 


      Screenshot showing the material markup 



      You can select only one checkbox or leave both checkboxes clear. If both checkboxes are clear, this setting will not be taken into account during the auto-approval process. 

      Time Mismatch Validation

      The Time Mismatch Validation checks whether the invoice time specified by a provider is more or less than the time captured by ServiceChannel on the work order. You can select Invoice Time > WO Check-In/Out Time or Invoice Time < WO Check-In/Out Time to include to or exclude from auto-approval those invoices which match this configuration. 

      Screenshot showing time mismatch validation

      • The Invoice Time is the labor time reported by your provider in the invoice. 

      Screenshot showing the entered hours 

      • The WO Check-In/Out Time is the time captured by ServiceChannel, which a technician spent on site. 

      Screenshot showing the check-in section


      You can select only one checkbox or leave both checkboxes clear. If both checkboxes are clear, this setting will not be taken into account during the auto-approval process. 

      In the Time Difference field, you need to set the minimum time difference between the Invoice Time and the WO Check-In/Out Time 

      Screenshot showing the time differenceImage Modified


      The time you specify is the percentage of an hour, not the number of minutes. For example, when you want to set 15 minutes as the minimum time difference, enter 0.25 in the field.

      Use Case

      Around the check-in/out time, we have an interval +-0.25hrs where the setting “Invoice Time = WO Check in/out time” should work. If you want to approve an invoice with this setting, you need to exclude the left and right parts in the picture below by: 

      1. Creating 2 conditions. 
      2. Using the Include/Exclude options.  
      3. Using the Invoice time less/greater WO check in/out time. 

        Screenshot showing the time algorithmThe left-range configuration example: 
        Screenshot showing the left exampleThe middle-range configuration example: 

        Screenshot showing the middle range example
        The right-range configuration example: 
        Screenshot showing the right-range example

      Missing Check-In

      You can select theMissing Check-in Entries from WO checkbox to include to or exclude from auto-approvalinvoices with no check-in records on the work order. 

      Screenshot showing the missing check-in checkboxImage Modified

      Negotiated Price List


      Contact your ServiceChannel representative to enable the Negotiated Price Lists. 

      The negotiated price list setting checks whether the agreed price specified on the invoice material and other line items is more or less than the negotiated price in the negotiated price list

      Screenshot showing the negotiated price list sectionImage Modified
      You can select Invoice Price > Agreed Price or Invoice Price < Agreed Price to include to or exclude from auto-approval those invoices which meet this configuration. 

      • For this configuration, the Invoice Price is the price reported by your provider in the invoice.  

       Screenshot showing the unit price


      • The Agreed Price is the price specified in the Negotiated Price List

        Screenshot showing the negotiated price list


      You can select only one checkbox or leave both checkboxes clear. If both checkboxes are clear, this setting will not be taken into account during the auto-approval process. 

      Approved Work Order's Trade and Provider Rates

      Provider rates are the agreed-upon prices for labor charges. Your provider submits to you the rates specified by each trade theyserve. You can find the current agreed rates in the Private Network.

      Screenshot showing the private rates 

      You can select Approved rates exist to include/exclude invoices of the work orders where all rates exist for the selected providers and trades; or Approved Rates DO NOTexist to include/exclude invoices of the work orders where at least one rate does not exist for the selected providers and trades.  

      Screenshot showing the approved rates sectionImage Modified


      You can require your providers to propose labor rates for trades they serve. If there is a mismatch between the agreed rates and actual labor charges, you and your providers will see it. For more information about rates validation, read About Invoiced Rates Validation. 

    8. Select a Category and Trade or select All to capture all categories and/or trades. 
    9. In the Total Amount field, enter the maximum amount the invoice should be charged for auto-approval. 


      Should you need to change the decimal point (.) to decimal comma (,) on monetary amounts, contact your ServiceChannel representative. 

      Screenshot showing the total amount field
      For example, to auto-approve invoices for a maximum of USD 500, enter 500 in this field. Invoices for USD 500.01 and above will not be considered for approval.

    10. Click Save changes. A new condition has been added.


      You can add as many conditions as needed but be cautious and double-check that the conditions do not contradict each other. 

    11. Add the provider(s) to include or exclude in the auto-approval process:

      • Select All to include invoices from all providers in the auto-approval process. 
      • Select Only these to include specific providers.  
        You can also type the provider’s name for a faster search and selection 
      • Select All, with the exception of these to exclude specific providers.   
        You can also type the provider’s name for a faster search and selection. 

      Screenshot showing the provider selection

    Rw ui expands macro

    Rw expand
    titleExpand to view the use case of step 2 configuration.

    We configured the auto-approval process in the following way: 

    • Include 
    • Invoice Rate < Agreed Rate. Agreed labor rate: $25 per hour
    • Invoice Markup % < Agreed Markup %Agreed markup: 20% 
    • Invoice Time < WO Check-In/Out Time 
    • Up to 0,25 hrs (15 min)  
    • Invoice Price < Agreed PriceAgreed material price: $10 
    • Approved Rates exist. 
    • Category: Maintenance 
    • Trade: HVAC 
    • Max. total amount: $500 
    • Provider: all 

    Let’s see which invoices will be auto-approved, which will not be approved and why.

    ConditionsInvoice 1 Invoice 2 Invoice 3
    Agreed Rate $25$25$25
    Invoice Rate $26$25$25
    Invoice Markup




    Invoice Time 1.00 hrs (60 min)0,74 hrs (44 min)0,75 (45 min)
    Check in/Out time0,50 hrs (30 min)0,50 hrs (30 min)0,75 (45 min)
    Invoice Price




    Approved Rates Exist Rates exist Rates exist No rates for the HVAC trade
    CategoryMaintenance Maintenance Maintenance 
    Total amount $450 $490 $350
    ProvideriFixxServices iFixxServices FixClub 
    ResultNot approved Approved Not approved 

    Result comments: 

    The Invoice 1 is not approved because it breaks the following configured rules: 

    • The Invoice Rate exceeds the Agreed Rate 
    • The Invoice Time exceeds the detected WO Check-In/Out Time by more than 15 min. 

    The Invoice 2 is approved even though the Invoice Time exceeds WO Check-In/Out Time by 14 min. 14 min is less than the configured rule – up to 0,25 hrs (15 min).  

    The Invoice 3 is not approved because the FixClub provider has no rates for the HVAC trade. 

    Multi-Rule Mode


    Contact your ServiceChannel manager to turn on the Multi Rule mode. 

    The multi-rule mode allows you to create different rules with conditions for different provider sets. Each rule is independent and filters all invoices. For auto-approval, it selects only those invoices which meet the conditions specified in this rule.


    If an invoice was excluded from the first rule, it could be included for auto-approval in the next rule. To prevent it, check if the providers mentioned in each rule set do not intersect. Have a look at the INCORRECT example below. 

    Screenshot showing the contradicting rulesetsImage Modified

    In this case, both rules include all providers. It means that some invoices that are not allowed to be auto-approved based on the conditions of Rule 1, may be auto-approved later when ServiceChannel starts filtering them through Rule 2.  

    We recommend that only one ruleset will have the All option selected.  

    Configuring the Third Step of Invoice Auto-Approval

    In step 3, you can add email addresses to which you send the auto-approval report. 

    Screenshot showing the the checkbox to send emailsImage Modified

    title⦿ How to Configure the Third Step of Invoice Auto-Approval
    1. Select the Send auto-approve report to checkbox. 
    2. Enter the email address of the recipient. 
      1. To enter multiple emails, separate each email address with a semicolon. 
    3. Click Save.  
      A green box appears confirming that all invoice date ranges, attributes, providers, and report recipients are saved. 

    Screenshot showing how to save the page

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