Taking Action on Proposed Rates

Taking Action on Proposed Rates

A service provider can offer proposed rates for each trade serviced. You can use this information, in combination with the quality of services offered by the provider, to help determine the provider’s ranking. By doing so, you can identify a reliable pool of service providers per trade. This helps you assign work orders to the best available service providers.

Within each provider’s profile, you can manage the proposed rates.

Approving Proposed Rates

Once providers have submitted their service rates, you can approve them partially.

⦿ How to Approve Proposed Rates
  1. In the desired service provider’s profile, click the Clients tab at the top of the page.
  2. Click Client Rates in the left navigation panel.
    Picture showing the client tab
    On the open page, you can see the Current rate card or a New Proposed rate card from the provider with the Not Reviewed status. You can approve ONLY Not Reviewed cards.
    Picture showing the current card
    Picture showing a not reviewed card
  3. Expand the Trades to accept Rates at the Country, State, and County levels. You can now review rates on a line-item basis.
    Expanding the trade section

    You can also compare the proposed rates with the old rates. To compare the rates, click the Compare button.
    Picture showing the compare button
  4. To approve the rates, click Accept.

    You can use the Checkboxes to select certain states or counties that you would like to approve or reject. Additionally, you can multi-select several states or counties at the same time and approve only those selected.
    Picture showing the checkboxes

    Once you have started to accept or reject rates, you can see your current Progress at the top of the trade section.
    Picture showing the progress bar

     Expand to see an example of how you can approve the rates

    Approving the rates

    While scrolling through the line items to the County level, you will see a blue checkmark for the approved rates.

    Picture showing a blue checkmark

    At any point BEFORE submitting the rates to the provider, you can change your previous selection. 
    Picture showing the options

  5. Click the Yes button to submit the card.
    Submitting a card

    Unless the entire trade was accepted, the trade will be shown as Rejected.

    The rate card status now becomes Approved.
    The provider gets an email and a message in their Provider Automation account informing them that the rates they submitted were approved.

Picture showing the approved rate card

Rejecting Proposed Rates

Once providers have submitted their service rates, you can reject them partially.

⦿ How to Reject Proposed Rates
  1. In the desired service provider’s profile, click the Clients tab at the top of the page.
  2. Click Client Rates in the left navigation panel.

    Picture showing the client tab
    On the open page, you can see the
    Current rate card or a New Proposed rate card from the provider with the Not Reviewed status. You can reject ONLY Not Reviewed cards.

    Picture showing the current card

    3. Expand the Trades section to reject the Rates at the Country, State, and County levels.
    You can now review rates on a line-item basis.
    Expanding the trade section

    You can also compare the proposed rates with the old rates. To compare the rates, click the Compare button.
    Picture showing the compare button

    4. To reject the rates, click Reject.
    Rejecting the rates

    You can use the Checkboxes to select certain states or counties that you would like to reject. Additionally, you can select several states or counties at the same time and approve/reject only those selected.
    Picture showing the checkboxes

    Once you have started to reject rates, you can see your current Progress at the top of the trade. 

    Picture showing the progress bar

    5. Specify the reason for rejecting the rate, and click Reject.
    Clicking reject
    Once all Rates for that Trade have been accepted or rejected, the status will show in both the Progress bar and the top-right corner.

    Unless all the rates in the trade section were accepted, the trade will be shown as Rejected.
    Picture showing rejected trade

     Expand to see an example of how you can reject the rates

    Rejecting the rates

    While scrolling through the line items to the County level, you will see a red checkbox for the rejected rates.
    Picture showing the icon for rejection

    At any point BEFORE submitting the rates to the provider, you can change your previous selection. 
    Picture showing the actions for the county

    Once you have either rejected all or have done a mix of acceptances and rejections, a prompt will ask if you would like to submit the rejections back to the provider.
    Submitting a card

    6. Click the Yes button if you are ready to submit the card. 

    The rate card status becomes
    RejectedThe provider gets an email and a message in their Provider Automation account informing them whether their submitted rates were approved or rejected.
    Picture showing the rejected rate card

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