Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for Repair Work Orders

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for Repair Work Orders

This section is for users who log in using www.servicechannel.eu. If you log in using the global instance, www.servicechannel.comjump over to Contractor Scorecard Calculations.

Key Performance Indicators (or KPIs) are a set of measurable values of work orders that are used to determine the performance quality of service providers. The Repair KPIs tab provides the scores and grade for Repair work (or rather, all work orders in the Repair Category, across all Trades). From this tab, you can identify areas where the right behaviors and performance were in place for you and your technicians, and whether there are key areas for performance improvement.

This page references the Repair KPIs; there are also Maintenance KPIs.

There are 6 Repair KPIs:

KPIs are calculated to get overall scores for the Scorecard. See Calculations for KPI Scores and Overall Grade for calculations and exceptions.

Dispatch Confirmation

This KPI identifies how quickly service providers respond to work orders that have high or medium business impact. It measures the percentage of work orders — with an ETA of up to 48 hours or less — that service providers respond to within the below times:

Priority ETA = Up to 8 hours

Response Time = 1 hour

Priority ETA = 8-24 hours

Response Time = 4 hours

Priority ETA = 24-48 hours

Response Time = 8 hours

Providers who consistently respond slower than these response times for work orders in higher Priorities will receive lower scores on the Scorecard.

Only work orders in the Completed, Completed/Pending Confirmation, or Completed/Confirmed Statuses are included in this KPI.

Check-in Compliance

This KPI provides visibility in terms of response time and time spent on site, which in turn provides transparency for invoicing. Check-in compliance also eliminates the need to enter check-in entries through the Web, thereby reducing administrative workload.

Check-in Compliance measures the percentage of completed work orders that have both a check-in and a check-out entry. Note that there should also be a minimum check-in duration (time between check in and check out) of 10 minutes onsite to be considered compliant for this KPI.

Only work orders in the Completed, Completed/Pending Confirmation, or Completed/Confirmed Statuses are included in this KPI. Work orders in the Invoice only Category are excluded.

On-Time Arrival - Schedule Date

On-Time Arrival - Schedule Date measures the percentage of work orders for which the service provider was on site before the original scheduled date and time, which is, in most cases, the date/time generated by the system based on the work order priority. Work orders with the category Invoice only are not considered for this KPI.

This KPI is critical because it ensures minimum business losses due to facility management issues.

High scores for both On-Time Arrival - Schedule Date and First Time Completion indicates that service providers check in and complete a lot of work orders before Scheduled ETA. However, a high score for On-Time Arrival - Schedule Date and low score for First Time Completion may indicate an effort from the service providers to get a better score for On Time Arrival - Schedule Date, while actually taking longer to complete work orders.

Only work orders in the Completed, Completed/Pending Confirmation, or Completed/Confirmed Statuses are included in this KPI. Work orders in the Invoice only Category are excluded.

On-Time Arrival - Updated ETA

On-Time Arrival - Updated ETA measures the percentage of on-time arrival for work orders with an updated ETA.

This KPI covers scenarios such as:

  • The store manager requesting a service provider to come at a different time due to customer influx at the original time.
  • The service provider and client agreeing on a different date or time due to inclement weather.

While this KPI helps accurately measure effective communication of service providers for rescheduled work orders, a high number of work orders with an updated ETA may indicate service providers habitually rescheduling work orders to a later date.

Only work orders in the Completed, Completed/Pending Confirmation, or Completed/Confirmed Statuses are included in this KPI. Work orders in the Invoice only Category are excluded.

First Time Completion

First Time Completion measures the percentage of work orders that were fixed on the first visit. In addition, when drilling down this metric, the number of visits the service provider made for each work order is listed.

Work orders during the day are compliant when completed with 1 check in and 1 check out on the same day. Overnight work orders are compliant when completed in 1 check in and 1 check out, both occurring within 24 hours.

First Time Completion is preferred since a high number of recurring visits can increase costs, decrease service levels, and in the worst-case scenario, have an impact on operations and sales.

Only work orders in the Completed, Completed/Pending Confirmation, or Completed/Confirmed Statuses are included in this KPI. Work orders in the Invoice only Category are excluded.

Invoice Submission (within 30 days)

Invoice Submission (within 30 days) measures the percentage of work orders with invoice submitted within 30 days of the work order being marked as Completed/Confirmed.

Submitting invoices in a timely manner ensures prompt payment for service providers and better control over spending for clients.

Work orders in the Invoiced status are included in this KPI. Work orders in the Invoice Only Category are excluded.

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