When your providers submit invoices with discrepancies, you can find such invoices using the following exception filterson the Invoices List page:
With Rates Mismatchtoggle shows invoices with mismatches in labor rates specified in the rate card and the actual ones entered by a provider.
With Agreed Price Mismatch toggle shows invoices with mismatches in material pricesand prices for other charges specified in the negotiated price list and the actual price entered by a provider.
With Time Spent On-sitetoggle shows invoices with mismatches in the time technician spent at the location captured by ServiceChannel and the time entered by a provider in the invoice.
With MaterialMarkup Mismatch toggle shows invoices with markup & mismatch in the material items specified in the negotiated price list or a rate card and the actual percentage entered by a provider.
Both Rate Cards and Price Lists containthe material markup %.The validation will be performed depending on what you configured: Rate Card, Price Lists, or both.
If you have set up both Rate Cards and Price Lists, keep in mind that the material markup % will be validatedonly through the Price List value of markup %.
Filtering Invoices With Rates Mismatch
When you approve the rate card proposed by your provider and the provider has submitted invoices, you can filter invoices to view only those with therates mismatch in labor charges.
Contact your ServiceChannel manager to turn on client rates.
⦿ How to Filter Invoices With Rates Mismatch
At the top of the page, click Invoices.
In the filter section, click the Check or Cross mark on the With Rates Mismatch toggle:
(Optional) Click the toggle again to deactivate it. The grey state shows that the toggle is turned off.
(Optional) Click Save Current Filter to remember the filter.