Spaces on Dashboard in Dashboard 2.0

Spaces on Dashboard in Dashboard 2.0

Accessing Spaces on Dashboard in Dashboard 2.0 can be done from the navigation menu in Service Automation which allows for a quicker and more streamlined approach. 

⦿ How to Access Spaces on Dashboard in Dashboard 2.0
  1. Click the Menu Icon to expand the list
  2. Click the Spaces link to expand the list
    Dashboard link under Spaces section
  3. Click the Dashboard link to access Spaces on Dashboard in Dashboard 2.0

Navigating Spaces on Dashboard in Dashboard 2.0

On the floor plan for a location, you will notice a different experience versus the regular dashboard. The floor plan itself appears on the left side with the work order drop-downs on the right side. From there, you are able to create the work order with the moveable pin located on the upper-middle area of the floor plan or clicking on an asset.

You will have various features to help navigate the floor plan to create work orders. Each feature offers the ability to control the floor plan or provide feedback.

Exterior ButtonViewing multiple levels of the floor plan
Filter ToolAble to control which assets are displayed on the floor plan by selecting and deselecting assets
Fullscreen ButtonExpand the floor plan to the full size of the screen
StatusA visual aid to display on work order statuses created from the floor plan
Feedback ButtonThe ability to provide feedback, suggestions or report issues

Creating a Work Order 

The movable pin allows for instant movement on the floor plan and the ability to drop the pin onto a specific locale. When dropping the pin, this starts the process of creating a work order. The area drop-down menu is selected and one-by-one, three additional drop-downs are available to finalize the work order creation process. Once this process is complete, the remaining steps for submitting a work order are the same. When a work order has been submitted, the provider will receive the work order with an attachment of a map in a JPEG file showing the exact location of the work order on the floor plan. 

Creating a Work Order for an Asset 

You can locate an asset that is labeled on the floor plan. When clicking on an asset, 3 drop-down menus are selected and only the problem drop-down menu is left to be selected.

⦿ How to Create a Work Order on the Floor Plan with Moveable Pin
  1. Click, hold, then drag the Moveable Pin and drop it on the particular locale to start the work order creation
    Image of movable pin being used to drag and place on the floor plan to create a work order
  2. Choose the appropriate problem type > asset > problem from the drop-down menu
  3. Click the Next button to continue the work order creation process
    Finalized work order on the floor plan before clicking next to continue
  4. Complete Troubleshooting Tips > Submit Request steps to submit a new work order
⦿ How to Create a Work Order on the Floor Plan without Moveable Pin
  1. Click on an asset to open a new modal
  2. Click on the New Work Order button to start the process of creating a new work order
  3. Select a problem using the drop-down menu
    1. If the problem is only one option, it is selected for you
  4. Click the Next button to continue the work order creation process
  5. Complete Troubleshooting Tips > Submit Request steps to submit a new work order