SC Provider 1909.2 iOS RNs
Features and improvements

General. You can mute work order notifications without putting your device on silent. How to do that? In the app settings, select the desired type of WO alerts, and hit the Silent toggle. Done!
Bug fixes

General. On iOS 10 devices, you got a crash each time when you opened a map within the app. This happens no more.
General. Should you be an internal tech, we no longer pester you with push notifications asking you to check out — in case you set your activity to travel and move out of the WO location range.
General. The app is ready for long-awaited iOS 13! We’ve adjusted SC Provider so that it fits the devices running the latest operating system.
General. We kept on sending push notifications asking you to check into a work order even when it had already been completed. You don’t receive these misleading alerts anymore because most often we don't allow checking into completed service requests.
Work Orders. When you edited a WO pass on the Visits tab of the WO details, your changes were stored although you closed the pass without saving it. Now we save the updates only if you ask us by tapping Done.
This version was released on Sep 19, 2019.