22/Oct/18 | Service Automation RNs

22/Oct/18 | Service Automation RNs

Features and improvements


No features and improvements for this version.


Bug fixes


Dashboard. In the settings, all fields on the Feedback tab would be empty, which prevented you from leaving feedback on WOs. It's no longer a problem.

Fixxbook. If you use the Safari or Chrome browser, you may have faced the bug that didn’t let you create a new payment method. All entered info disappeared right after you clicked Save. We’ve fixed it.

Planned Maintenance Manager. When you edit the location info, you no longer see additional tax fields unless this is a Canadian location.

Work Orders. Sometimes when you viewed work orders in Chinese or Japanese, the problem code was displayed incorrectly. Now this info is translated properly to any non-Latin language.

WorkForce. Previously, you could send invitations to technicians even though their email addresses were too long. That was a bug. Now you have to enter shorter emails.

WorkForce. Sometimes the list of technicians with completed profiles at the top would be re-sorted after you went to automatically assign a work order to one of them.

WorkForce. When you wanted to forward a work order to other technicians, you could not find some locations on the list. Now you see the full list.

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