31/Oct/18 | Service Automation RNs

31/Oct/18 | Service Automation RNs

Features and improvements


Admin. In the Locations & Provider Assignments section, you can now add the square footage of a location to the location details.

Admin. You can now configure after how much time of inactivity SC Mobile users should be logged out of the app. To do so, go to the security settings in the Permissions section.

Proposals. With our new feature enabled, you can quickly find proposals not assigned to any user on the View Proposals page. To do so, select N/A in the User drop-down list.


Bug fixes


Dashboard. Some of you couldn’t approve MLI invoices since the page for approving invoices was empty. We’re done with this bug!

Fixxbook. On the Compliance Manager page, when the admins wanted to notify some providers that their insurance certificates were due to expire, the notification would be emailed to all providers. Things like this don’t happen anymore.

Fixxbook. You no longer receive duplicate emails notifying you that your custom requirements have been accepted.

Proposals. On the page for creating proposals and RFPs, we’ve added the option to select the location country so that you can find the required location much faster.