Oct 11, 2021 | Service Automation and Provider Automation RNs

Oct 11, 2021 | Service Automation and Provider Automation RNs

Features and improvements

Core modules

Work Orders. When adding work order notes, you will be able to select all your addressees in one click instead of adding them one by one. 📞 Contact your CSM to start using this feature.

Decision Engine. We have improved the Decision Engine experience on the redesigned proposals list. First, we've elaborated on the Decision Engine messages to make them more logical and transparent. If there is not enough historical data, the Supporting Intelligence block will display: "Not Enough Historical Data for this Subscriber." In the Similar Work Orders and Proposals block, you will see: "None for this Subscriber" if there are no similar WOs and proposals found. Also, we have added a tooltip to the Recommendations block to help you better understand the Decision Engine algorithms.

Add-on modules

Projects. You wanted to be able to change the NTE amount and trade for an issued work order task — and we’ve made it possible. Issued WO tasks can from now on be edited as well as deleted. You will find both the Edit and Delete options under the three dutomatiots icon next to the task you want to take action on. Please note that you cannot edit invoiced WO tasks.

API. Now, you can add attachments to a work order via the API using a unique PO number. For that purpose, we’ve added a new API method: Post/workorders/{poNumber}/attachmentsByPoNumber.

Bug fixes

Core modules

Admin. In the User Management section of Provider Automation, providers had an issue accessing profiles of invited users. Clicking the user’s name to view their profile would take providers to a blank page.

Invoices. Recently, some providers could not open the invoices list – the system got stuck on loading. Now, the invoices list can be accessed without issues.

Add-on modules

Projects. We have adjusted the Project ID column width on the projects list so that the project IDs fit into it.