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Adding Asset Category and Asset Types

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Asset Category and Types allows you to manage asset categories with the ability to add precise asset types into a particular category. It provides control and flexibility to organize your assets, so users know exactly where to search and find an asset. To help users locate an asset, the option to add images of assets provides another layer of information. The purpose is to offer a visual to ensure users and your service providers are selecting and repairing the correct asset. Asset Category and Types tab supports Asset First Mobile and Resolution and Root Cause Codes for Assets

Asset Category and Types Page

Navigating Asset Category and Types

Navigating Asset Category and Types pageOnce added, you can use the sort tool to rearrange the Asset Categories while the asset types side has with its own tool for sorting. The search bar allows for typing the name of an asset category or asset type and the drop-down arrow to view asset types based on:

  • All Asset Types
  • Categorized
  • Uncategorized

Selecting an Asset Category

When selecting an Asset Category, you are simplifying the view of Asset Types. This gives you the ability to group asset types into one category. For instance, there is an abundance of coffee machines that need to be categorized. By categorizing the different coffee machines, it provides the opportunity to separate various machines and focus your search on finding the correct coffee machine.

The list of Asset Categories is standardized. 

⦿ How to Select a Category
  1. Click the +Add Category Link to open the modal.
  2. Use the drop-down to select an Asset Category.
    1. You can drag & drop or upload an image
      Select Asset Category Modal
  3. Click the Save button to add the category. 

Modifying a Category

A category can be modified at any time. There is the option to update the asset category and/or image. You can also remove a category. When a category is removed, you are not deleting the asset types that were inside the category from the Assets module. 

⦿ How to Edit a Category
  1. Hover the mouse over a specific category to show the Pencil icon.
    Pencil Icon to Edit Asset Category
  2. Click the Pencil icon to open the modal.
  3. Use the drop-down to update the category.
    1. You can drop & drop or upload an image
  4. Click the Save button to update the category. 
⦿ How to Remove a Category
  1. Hover the mouse over a specific category to show the Pencil icon.
  2. Click the Pencil icon to open the modal.
  3. Click the Delete link to delete the category.
    Delete Link
  4. Confirm the deletion by clicking the Yes button.
    Yes button to confirm 

Adding Assets Types into a Category

Once you have selected your categories, the asset types, located on the left side are readily available to be placed into its category. You decide where each individual asset type belongs and knowingly understand why it is within that category. The list of asset types is viewable by clicking a specific asset type and takes you to manage the actual asset type.

You can only add one asset type into a category.   

⦿ How to Add an Asset Type into a Category
  1. Locate an asset type from the list.
  2. Click and hold the asset type with your mouse
  3. Drag & drop the asset type inside the asset category. 
  4. The asset type appears in the asset category.

Removing an Asset Type from a Category

At any time, an asset type can be removed from a category. Doing so, removes the asset type from the category and placed into a different category.

⦿ How to Remove an Asset Type from a Category
  1. Locate the Asset Type in a category. 
  2. Hover the mouse over the Asset Type for the x icon to appear.
    Remove an Asset Type
  3. Click the x icon to remove the asset type from the category. 

Creating an Asset Type

If an asset type is not available for placement, you can create an asset type to eventually add into an Asset Category.

Downloading Asset Types

You can download the list of asset types into a spreadsheet. The information on the spreadsheet includes the:

  • Asset Type ID
  • Asset Type
  • Primary Trade

When asset types are added or deleted, when downloaded, the spreadsheet is updated with the most current asset types from the module. 

⦿ How to Download Asset Types
  1. Click the Download Asset Types link to download the spreadsheet
  2. Open the spreadsheet to view the list. 
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