Location ID | Identification number of the location for which the invoiced work order was created |
Location Name | Name of the location for which the invoiced work order was created |
Address | Main address of the work order location |
Region | Region of the location for which the invoiced work order was created |
District | District of the location for which the invoiced work order was created |
Provider | Company name of the provider who performed the requested work and submitted an invoice |
Vendor ID | Identification number given to the provider by their subscriber |
Trade | Trade of the invoiced work order |
W.O # | Number of the invoiced work order |
Tr. # | Tracking number of the invoiced work order |
PO # | Purchase order number of the invoiced work order |
Category | Category the invoiced work order belongs to |
Priority | Priority of the invoiced work order |
ProblemCode | Problem code of the invoiced work order |
ProblemDescription | Issue description provided upon creating a work order |
InvoiceNumber | Number of the invoice |
Completed Date | Date when the related work order was moved to a “Completed” status |
Inv.Date | Invoice date selected upon creating the invoice |
Posted Date | Date when the invoice was actually submitted — can be different from the invoice date |
Posted By | User ID of a person who created the invoice |
Inv.Text | Problem resolution entered by the provider upon creating the invoice |
Inv.Status | Invoice status at the moment of exporting the invoice report |
Approved By | Username of a person who approved the invoice |
Approved By UserID | User ID of a person who approved the invoice |
Approve Date | Date and time when the invoice was approved |
Batch ID | Identification number of the payment batch the invoice is added to |
ApprCodeMajor | Invoice approval code, also known as GL code |
ApprCodeMinor | When ApprCodeMajor is empty, this column will contain an automatically generated invoice approval code |
Currency | Currency of invoice total amount |
Inv.Total | Total amount to be paid to the provider for the performed service Note |
Should you need to change the decimal point (.) to decimal comma (,) on monetary amounts, contact your ServiceChannel representative. |
Last Payment Date | Date when the invoice was paid |
Last Payment Number | Payment number that is generated after the invoice is paid |
Payment Amount | Invoice amount that was paid |
Comments | Comment the subscriber left upon taking action on the invoice. The comment is required upon rejecting an invoice but can be skipped upon approving or putting the invoice on hold. |
Marked for Audit | Shows whether or not the invoice was marked for an audit via dashboard |
Record Type | This field identifies if a spreadsheet row is for line items or for a summary. Learn more about the row types. |
Skill Level | Skill level of the employee who performed the service, for example, Supervisor, Technician, or Helper |
Labor Type | Labor type of the employee who performed the service, for example, Regular, Overtime, or Double Time |
# of Techs | Number of employees of the specified skill level and labor type who worked on the service request |
Hourly Rate | Cost per one hour for the specified skill level and labor type |
Total Hours | Number of hours spent on-site for the entered skill level, labor type, and hourly rate |
Labor Amount | Total amount of labor charges |
Travel Amount | Total amount of travel charges |
Material Description | Textual description of the material used |
Part # | Part (serial or manufacturer) number for a material line item |
Units | Unit of measure, for example, each, box, feet |
Price per Unit | Unit price |
Qty | Quantity of the material used |
Material | Total amount of material charges |
Freight | Total amount of freight charges |
Other Charges - Description | Description of a charge that belongs to the “Other” type of costs. For example, Discount, Management Fee, etc. |
Other Charges - Comments | Comments on a charge that belongs to the “Other” type of costs |
Other Charges - Amount | Amount of a charge that belongs to the “Other” type of costs |
Additional Approval Code (Name) | Additional Approval Code (AAC) Name. It has the AAC name in the title as you configured in the Admin module. For example, Internal Work, PM-006, and others. |
Sales Tax | Sales tax amount |
Sales Tax 2 | Invoice second tax amount (typically PST, QST, or HST for Canada). Multiple taxes are required for some Canadian locations. |
W.O. Transf. Date | Transfer date of the work order for which the invoice was created |
Inv. Transf. Date | Date when the approved invoice was transferred to the client’s accounting department for payment. Learn more about transferred invoices. |
Rejected Date | The date when the invoice was rejected. If the invoice was not rejected, the field under the column is empty. |