14/Aug/19 | Service Automation and Provider Automation RNs

14/Aug/19 | Service Automation and Provider Automation RNs

Features and improvements

Work Orders. To fit your business needs, we’ve doubled the period for the location open date to be displayed on the new WOs list. Now if a location has been opened within the last 24 months, you see its open date on the list.


Bug fixes

Admin. Providers couldn’t access the location attachments. Every time they opened the Attachments tab, it was empty.

Admin. The Excel report on service providers missed the IVR PIN information. It’s right there now — at your disposal! Go to the Service Providers section to download it.

Dashboard. A few of you reported that you couldn’t create a service request. This is fixed now.

Dashboard. Downloading attachments from the Work Order History tab didn’t work. You had to go to the WO details for that, but not anymore.

General. The link from the email about changed dispatch preferences of your provider led to a wrong page. Now you land directly on the Fixxbook page with the provider contact info for alerts and can check the updates.

Work Orders. After providers accepted or declined a work order via email, sometimes the WO status history mistakenly displayed the name of an inactive employee next to the status change info. We no longer show inactive users there.

Work Orders. Problem codes from original WOs appeared on linked classic service requests, which was not supposed to happen. Since you may need to create linked WOs for other issues, we don’t copy problem codes anymore.

Work Orders. Some of you couldn’t create a linked classic service request. The problem description contained angle brackets, which was the root cause of the issue.

Work Orders. The print version of WOs from the Orig. ETA Missed tab was hard to read — some WO info overlapped the other. Now all the info looks as good as on the new WOs list.

Work Orders. The “All Calls (Long Format)” report now displays the WO notes in a more digestible format. Instead of one bulky block of text, you see each note on a new line within a cell.

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