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Viewing Asset History

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Asset Service History

An asset’s Service History is a chronological list of the work orders created to repair or replace that asset. Additionally, you can select to view only Planned Maintenance work orders for the asset. Within each work order, there are clickable links that lead to information related to the work order, including, proposals, the service providers, and the full work order details.

⦿ How to View an Asset’s Service History
  1. Navigate to the hamburger menu, and click Asset (Equipment) > Manage Assets. The assets list opens.
  2. Locate the desired asset using the required filters, then click the asset tag ID to open the asset details page.
    Clicking the asset tag ID to access the asset details page
  3. Switch to the Asset History tab to view the asset Service History.
    Asset service history displayed on the asset details page

To view only Planned Maintenance work orders, select the Show PMs Only checkbox.

Asset Revision History

In Service Automation, an asset’s Revision History referrers to the attributes of the asset and the changes made to the attributes over time.  This includes, but is not limited to, the asset’s condition, the refrigerant type used in the asset, and updates made by a permissioned service provider. Each time asset’s attributes are updated, a new asset history record will be created. On the asset details page, you can view an asset’s history records side by side, which provides a view of changes to the asset over time.

⦿ How to View an Asset’s Revision History
  1. Navigate to the hamburger menu, and click Asset (Equipment) > Manage Assets. The assets list opens.
  2. Locate the desired asset using the required filters, then click the asset tag ID to open the asset details page.
    Clicking the asset tag ID to access the asset details page
  3. Switch to the Asset History tab, and then click the Revision History button.
    Viewing the asset revision history on the asset details page
  4. In the Revision History section, you have the option of viewing all of the asset’s revision histories or a comparison of two or more revision histories.
    1. To view all histories, click the View All button.
      Viewing asset revisions on the asset details page
    2. To view a comparison of two or more revisions, select the checkbox next to the revision histories you want to compare, and then click Compare Selected.

      When you compare several asset revisions, changes to the asset attributes are displayed in red.

      Comparing two asset revisions on the asset details page

Asset Audit History on Work Orders

All work orders will have an asset tied to them. However, there will be times when the asset on a work order is not the asset that needs servicing. This sometimes happens with complex systems like HVAC and Refrigeration, where the entire unit is comprised of several connected assets and the individual creating the work order is not clear on which specific asset, within the whole, is in fact the asset in need of servicing.

In Service Automation, you can view the asset history on a work order. Any changes in assets will be reflected on the Asset History tab on the work order.  This feature adds additional visibility and transparency to the work order cycle.

⦿ How to View the Change of an Asset on a Work Order
  1.  Navigate to the desired work order, and click View Details to open the work order details page.

  2. On the work order, select the Asset History tab.

It may so happen that a work order was associated with an incorrect asset. When someone removes or updates the asset on a work order, the Asset History tap captures each change. See the example below.

  1. Added: The asset with the 273648-H tag ID was added to the work order.
  2. Removed: The asset with the same 273648-H tag ID was removed from the work order.
  3. Added another asset: The work order was associated with a new asset: 459-AU-12.

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